TV Shows Recommended By Digitians

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No pay channels here to watch those things....

only i can watch free to air channels....

so for me all news channels... n in that...
Gadget Guru..
Cell Guru...
Car & Bike show...
Wheel Spin


 Macboy
Anyone checked out this TV show:
Terminator: the Sarah Connor Chronicles.

It's a brand new show, I just saw that there was a free episode (pilot) for download. Keeping that in mind I hit the bittorrent network :D


Another Brick in the Wall
Till now in Dataone startup Plan.... so no to videos.. :(

Tomo i am going to give a letter for change of plan to 500C :)

Will use my PC hereafter :D:D
Well, you don't need Internet as well. You can buy/rent DVDs and then watch. British Council give free DVDs to their members. When I was a member there, it was Rs 1,100 yearly.

napster007 -
What's the Genre? Why it's good?

Only 2 epics are out and they're as popular as Lost/Prison Break/Heroes! Are they any good? Did you watch them?


Broken In
Firefly : Damn good ....(they also made a movie which is a continuation to the series)
Battlestar Galactica (new one): Very damn good....3 seasons and a special movie that was released in 2007...(season 4 coming in May 2008...)

How I met ur mother : good one
Coupling : UK series ....nice watch
30 Rock: very good
3rd rock from the sun: Classic but good....
The king of queens: Kevin James...nice watch

The Practice: If u can get this good for u... i saw the season 1...was damn good... its courtroom drama.
Boston Legal: Again Lawyer stuff but damn good.... downloaded all seasons...
HOUSE MD: This one is on top of my list...the main character is just too damn good...series is damn hilarious...
JERICO: amazing about how a small town copes up with a nuclear holocast..
Traveller: Amazing but has been stopped....they say its the answer to prison break.... would like to see it being aired again.

Lost Room: Too good...but not ended properly..... Amazing

Six feet under, Band of brothers, Taken, CSI, Damages, etc, etc
Lots more....I am a big fan of TV Series...will keep everyone posted


Another Brick in the Wall
FAMILY GUY - Though not on Indian TV, but watching them currently on me mobile.
I saw the first epic of the first season of Family Guy. Didn't like it that much. Now I'm debating whether to get Simpsons, Futurama, South Park, etc...

arvind799 -
Thanks for the list. :)

I started this Firefly, but after 20 minutes of the pilot epic, I can't understand what's going on..


Broken In
I started this Firefly, but after 20 minutes of the pilot epic, I can't understand what's going on..
Give it some time dude....I think by the end of the series also u will have many unanswered questions... u gotta watch the movie to get all answers...pretty cool plat:lol:


The cake is a lie!!!
Only 2 epics are out and they're as popular as Lost/Prison Break/Heroes! Are they any good? Did you watch them?

I saw the two eps and found them to be excellent. Happens after T2 and before T3 though it doesnt have any relation to the events of T3, takes a completely different path altogether.
Waiting for the third one....:D


Broken In
I saw the two eps and found them to be excellent. Happens after T2 and before T3 though it doesnt have any relation to the events of T3, takes a completely different path altogether.
Waiting for the third one....:D
But the series has got a terrible rating in IMDB and elsewhere....not sure why but that's the reason i never watched it:(


 Macboy
I watched the first episode of Terminator: chronicles. Seems pretty decent. I can't really say right now whether it's really good or not, will need to get in a little more to say anything conclusive. They could have used a hotter chick though...


Another Brick in the Wall
3 epics are out. Gonna see how it goes about. I've seen all the T movies, but as far as I can remember in T1 and T2, the chicks are not hot. So perhaps the reason for the chick selection here.

Saw the double pilot epic of Firefly. Didn't find any thing interesting and I can't understand half of the things going on.. but gonna check the 2nd one too. Still if I can't understand or don't like it; I'll give up.


 Macboy
Common dude. This is the new age television where there has got to be at least one hot chick. Well in this there is one, but she would be average to say the least.


The cake is a lie!!!
Saw the third ep of Terminator chronicles today. Was ok, though i wouldnt say that its as captivating as Prison break etc.


Another Brick in the Wall
I wrote this article at my Blog: TV Shows I Like - Part 1.

I ditched the following the shows after watching 3 epics (but for Family Guy)
- Firefly (I still don't know the point and couldn't understand)
- Family Guy (was so-so, didn't find that funny)
- Shaun the Sheep (too childish for big kids like myself)
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