Truth Happens:Linux Ad

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The No.1 Stupid
I just saw a great video and thought of sharing it with you Linux Lovers.


Pour in your comments.....


El mooooo
Great Video!!! Probably one of the best 9MB I ever downloaded and 3 minutes worth spending. Good find...very good find.


Ya nice video!

First they ignore you,
then they laugh at you,
then they fight you,
then you win

...... M.K.Gandhi
and then u feel pity for them!......mediator :D


MMO Addict
here is another one by IBM. i saw it couple of months back..
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MMO Addict
It means you could have done without telling us why you didn't watch the video and that too because of bad comments where probably 90% of the commentators are Window$ lovers.. Never mind.. just watch both the videos :p


Debian Rocks!
Windows users everywhere,we are in a small ship roaming in windows sea,may be one day we will dry the sea!!!


Fedora User
freebird wrote
Windows users everywhere,we are in a small ship roaming in windows sea,may be one day we will dry the sea!!!
yes bro i think too ,nd in future of LINUX os,Linux Users in whole wrold.U can c after 10 years Linux users Everywher.:grin:
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