Torrent help!!!!!!

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Ambassador of Buzz
I am using U-torrent and i am getting upload speed greater than download.Is this good? else please tell me how to increase download speed than upload.


Ambassador of Buzz
It is a good policy if you're acting as a seeder(you are uploading complete files to other people).

However, if you're downloading something, you should make it sure that downloading speeds are greater, though you cant eliminate uploading simultaneously.

Go to Utorrent Options and limit your upload speed to about 5kbps and keep your download speeds as unlimited.
You may want to change your settings if you start seeding...

Savvy :!:


Ambassador of Buzz
u can limit the download speeds by right clicking-properties-maximum upload speed. limit it to a lower extent (3 kbps at least) when u r dloading and increase it to unlimited when u r finished.

also, keep bandwidth allocation as high.

shyamno said:
I am using U-torrent and i am getting upload speed greater than download.Is this good? else please tell me how to increase download speed than upload.

can u tell me which connection u are on:confused::confused:
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