The Windows 8 Thread


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Staff member
Didnt make the recovery discs earlier and cannot make them now coz hp recovery manager does work on windows 8. Getting a Windows 7 disc and using my key is an option. Any suggestion where i can download from net Windows 7 home basic? All torrents would be precracked and wouldn't require a serial

Now I hate Windows 8!!! Even Street Fighter X Tekken is not working !!!

The discussion above and including post #574 will be of help.

You can get "untouched" Windows 7 Home Premium ISO from Digital River. No link for Home Basic. But you can try doing what Bhupati mentioned there.

Check out these links:

Official Windows 7 SP1 ISO from Digital River « My Digital Life

Windows 7 SP1 Binary Patch Files for ISO Image Edition Converter/Changer « My Digital Life
^^ so what all games are working?

Street Fighter X Tekken is working.. I hadn't installed Windows Live for Games. After I installed WLG it started working :p
So I guess its only the games by Rockstar that are not working - GTA 4, Max Payne 3, LA Noire

The discussion above and including post #574 will be of help.

You can get "untouched" Windows 7 Home Premium ISO from Digital River. No link for Home Basic. But you can try doing what Bhupati mentioned there.

Check out these links:

Official Windows 7 SP1 ISO from Digital River « My Digital Life

Windows 7 SP1 Binary Patch Files for ISO Image Edition Converter/Changer « My Digital Life

Now that I need windows 7 only to play Max Payne 3 & LA Noire, I am thinking of downloading Windows 7 Ultimate from the net ("touched" version) :)

So the question is if I want to dual boot,whether I will be able to install Windows 7 after Windows 8 or will have to format and first install Windows 7 and then again install Windows 8?


In the zone
Street Fighter X Tekken is working.. I hadn't installed Windows Live for Games. After I installed WLG it started working :p
So I guess its only the games by Rockstar that are not working - GTA 4, Max Payne 3, LA Noire

Now that I need windows 7 only to play Max Payne 3 & LA Noire, I am thinking of downloading Windows 7 Ultimate from the net ("touched" version) :)

So the question is if I want to dual boot,whether I will be able to install Windows 7 after Windows 8 or will have to format and first install Windows 7 and then again install Windows 8?
Rock Star has confirmed games wont work in windows 8..but this was long back..i hope they fixed the issue..

abhishek pls clear my doubts
1)did you receive any license key for windows 8 after confirmation of windows 8..
2)can we make a ISO and burn it to a disk so that we can install comfortably later..

can u plzz tell me step by step how u purchased windows 8 with entropay....

i think its easy.just opened an account..but still didnt transfer can some body tell me is this safe and whether it works on all sites?
whats are the charges?
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Right off the assembly line
"can u plzz tell me step by step how u purchased windows 8 pro using upgrade assistant with entropay....?"
How is gaming performance on 8 as compared to windows 7 ?

Not a huge difference. I haven't benchmarked myself but read this article. It says gaming performance is slightly better in Windows 8 compare to Windows 7

Windows 8 review: Performance | Operating systems Reviews | TechRadar

abhishek pls clear my doubts
1)did you receive any license key for windows 8 after confirmation of windows 8..
2)can we make a ISO and burn it to a disk so that we can install comfortably later..

You get the download key as soon you as you make the payment. Then the upgrade manager starts downloading. Once the download is complete it gives you an option to upgrade or save to media. If you select save to media it gives an option of dvd or iso so that you can install later.

I saved as iso. Later i converted the iso to usb using Windows 7 iso to usb tool and then installed from usb


True Manchester City fan
Guys is there any difference between the RTM version which was released in August and this version which was launched a few days back in October end?


True Manchester City fan
Guys, I am a little on bandwith, I want to know one thing, is it possible for me to make an iso of my windows 7 home basic using the OS which has come pre installed on our laptops? I can't afford to download the whole 3 GB .iso of home basic, so is there anyway to take this OS out in a usb flash drive or something?


In the zone
Guys, I am a little on bandwith, I want to know one thing, is it possible for me to make an iso of my windows 7 home basic using the OS which has come pre installed on our laptops? I can't afford to download the whole 3 GB .iso of home basic, so is there anyway to take this OS out in a usb flash drive or something? can create a backup using windows backup and restore..


Broken In
Re: Windows 8 Thread.

I second this. esp the start screen. rest is same as windows 7.

Yeah, thats for sure. Start screen is annoying instead of helping.
But Other things are same as windows 7.
Yeah, deisgning and interface is not as good as 7 but it is because it is for multi-touch.
I just used cosumer preview for 2 days and uninstalled it and Installed 7 again.
I don't think I would like the release version of windows 8 more than win 7.


True Manchester City fan
But that will not allow me to install windows 7. I want to make like a Windows 7 installation disc, just by extracting the iso, from my laptop OS. Any way is it possible?


Broken In
Can I use SBI virtual card for making the payment since I dont have a credit card?



Cyborg Agent
Received a key from college. Windows 8 Professional. No reason to upgrade other than building metro apps.


But that will not allow me to install windows 7. I want to make like a Windows 7 installation disc, just by extracting the iso, from my laptop OS. Any way is it possible?

Yes. There is an app.. can't remember the name. Let me Google .. BTW, you can to make use of some Google :p