Team Digit Unofficial Gaming Clan!!Lets reload some money

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I'm in for Urban Terror......The only FPS game I've played in my life (My computer can only play this game :oops:).....Its addiction for me.....:twisted:

Ha lol @ you guys.. We UrT [DF] Clan have Dedicated Clan Server! Please Die or Join UrT Clan!
All thanx to you.....:)

Moreover, the RSA - is also a nice place to play. :) It used to be n00bish sometime back, but now players over there kick some serious a$$.
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I have started the preparations.The site will be up in a few days..And yes i think it will be better if we could spare prizes for individuals.


Legen-wait for it-dary!
You should get a cool name. Digit is the name of a mag, and a team by that name may be viewed as an official team. And obviously, 9.9, who painted the town(and the forum) red, wont really like it. Just an advice you may wish to think about.


Legen-wait for it-dary!
Here are some designer(!!!) team names for you ppl:

1. SuperBowel (pronounced superbowl)
2. GArena Kapoor (pronounced Kareena Kapoor, for your DOTA/CS matches)
3. more to come...


You should get a cool name. Digit is the name of a mag, and a team by that name may be viewed as an official team. And obviously, 9.9, who painted the town(and the forum) red, wont really like it. Just an advice you may wish to think about.

well if u guys are really good, then maybe the management of 9.9 media would let u use the digit name and could also be the official sponsor for the team.....


Well mine is Bumpy_Shah :D I'm up for any game, BUT lemme make it clear to all, I'm and will be just a Comic relief in the match, u know bombing own base, grenading own feet to jump higher, thus usually dying in "Friendly Fire" :D


Lets Do It!
Yes he does that very well.
And can give professional dancers run for their money .. :D

@Plasma Snake

Bombing one's base .. HAHAH
When u have friends like that .. Who needs an enemy :D
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