Tapatalk issues with the new forum : An epic tale; now with an epic end


Hi everyone

Let me tell you a story about a guy who used his mobile to browse the thinkdigit forums. It was a happy relationship with tapatalk bringing the forum to his fingertips no matter where he went. A few minutes to spare in the metro, let's see if my question got any responses, waiting at the office? let's see what new pics [MENTION=39722]sujoyp[/MENTION] and [MENTION=125321]nac[/MENTION] have put up, got a day to waste but too lazy to take out the laptop .... well you get the point.

Unfortunately the higher mortals that run the forum decided that life could be made better, so they introduced this spanking new forum. While most of you drooled over the improvements and rubbed the glare from your bedazzled eyes the boy with Tapatalk only saw a "could not connect to the forum; please contact the administrator if this problem persists". Heartbroken due to the cold shoulder his favorite forum was giving him he pondered all the reasons this relation could have gone sour, remove and readd the forum, same frigid response, reenter name and password, still won't talk to you, uninstall tapatalk and reinstall *gasp* it's digit, its totally worth it *uninstalls with brave face while he cries inside at all the readding of forums that must follow"

But all this came to naught, a day wasted and nothing to show for it. So finally heartbroken he reached out to the community that this change had alienated him from. He posted his quandry and waited, waited with bated breath for the answers that would follow. Answers that would bring him back to the fold of the people he loved wasting time with

TLDR: Why can't I access digit from my tapatalk?


The Power of x480
Staff member
Re: Tapatalk issues with the new forum : An epic tale

Cause the domain have changed, duh...
Remove the old entry of TDF from Tapatalk, and search for The digit forum. You will find it. Then relogin. It will work.
Ps: Story was nicely written.

Posted this from Tapatalk. ;)


Re: Tapatalk issues with the new forum : An epic tale

I use tapatalk and it works good. Sometimes gives this error but works right after that



Re: Tapatalk issues with the new forum : An epic tale

It simply doesn't seem to work, even after deleting, clearing the cache. Is the forum coming with an app of it own??


Re: Tapatalk issues with the new forum : An epic tale

It simply doesn't seem to work, even after deleting, clearing the cache. Is the forum coming with an app of it own??

Worked that way for me. Search digit.in and it should be there. Then login.


Staff member
Re: Tapatalk issues with the new forum : An epic tale

Just do as [MENTION=77264]Vyom[/MENTION] said, and if it still doesn't work, try reinstalling tapatalk.

From tapatalk.


Re: Tapatalk issues with the new forum : An epic tale

^I cleared the cache, deleted the forum and again cleared cached, and shutdown the app and again started it up!
This time around I find the right forum and I'm able to login, but feed is not available as it used to be, I have to go to the Digit forum particularly to be able to view it!


Staff member
Re: Tapatalk issues with the new forum : An epic tale

It's all fine this side, can't say what's the real problem from your side.

Maybe you should try reinstalling ?


Ambassador of Buzz
Re: Tapatalk issues with the new forum : An epic tale

I fixed the issue all having problem search "The Digit Forum" without (") and login with your old ID n pass


Conversation Architect
Re: Tapatalk issues with the new forum : An epic tale

working on my end too.. although i got the same error as [MENTION=137438].jRay.[/MENTION]


Staff member
Re: Tapatalk issues with the new forum : An epic tale


Enjoyed reading :)


Re: Tapatalk issues with the new forum : An epic tale

And I'm back. I guess what was needed was to search for "the digit forum" as 101gamzer and vyom said, rather than thinkdigit which seems to be gone for good

I also get that error at times, but it seems to work well most of the times

Seems i got my happy ending :)


The Power of x480
Staff member
Re: Tapatalk issues with the new forum : An epic tale

Seems i got my happy ending :)

Nooooo... We want an ending in the style you wrote the first post! :D
Like did you rubbed the glare from your bedazzled eyes too, when you were finally able to connect to "the digit forum"? Did your eyes sparkle when you realised thinkdigit may have been gone but digit have taken its place to provide endless gleam to your senses?!


Super Moderator
Staff member
Re: Tapatalk issues with the new forum : An epic tale

And I'm back. I guess what was needed was to search for "the digit forum" as 101gamzer and vyom said, rather than thinkdigit which seems to be gone for good

I also get that error at times, but it seems to work well most of the times

Seems i got my happy ending :)
Need an ending post like your first one. ;)


Re: Tapatalk issues with the new forum : An epic tale; without an epic end

the voices had spoken ......

he sat there with shivering fingers, trying out their methods one by one. If this worked he would be out of this dark cell of solitude. He would see the light, he would once again be a part of the whole. He brought up Tapatalk, the very act seemed to fill him with a glimmer of hope, despite the frustration it had brought him in the past few days. The higher mortals were well meaning but naive, they did not know what havoc a simple change might wreck upon the a life. But the voices, they knew, they had suffered the same as him and they had solved the puzzle. They had come out triumphant and now they lent him a hand, guided him. Delete the old forum..... symbolic he thought, one must get rid of past attachments if one is to move to something greater. He punched in the new name "the digit forum"... he'd been looking for the wrong thing before, repeating past mistakes and hoping they would somehow see his effort and work, the world did not work that way. It demanded the right question to give the right answer. It showed up....The popup was like manna itself, it proved that there was something in the path he was following. The new name did have a forum corresponding to it.... but would it work. He tapped it and for what seemed like an eternity, he waited.

An error, a package file did not match with what the forum expected of it. Failed again, he thought as the walls seemed to grow closer and the light seemed to grow dimmer. Failed again! even the voices, noble and knowledgeable as they were could not penetrate these higher mysteries. Despite all the right steps some line of code written by some programmer long ago had decided it did not like what it saw when it looked in the server. There was nothing more to do

"I saw this too, try again"....... another voice, insistent, told him that it had faced the same, this error was the last trial by fire. They did not understand it, but this error would yield to repeated trials. Like a wooden shield it would break if you tried again. The dark spurred him on, the memory of light spurred him on, he tried

and broke free. There it was, a light he had almost forgotten. The voices, clearer now, he could hear them whenever he wished, no matter where he was he could listen and he could call back. He told them he was back, they welcomed him, shared in his joy. What would you ask of me in return for giving me back all of this?

They sounded as one, sounded with the enthusiasm he had come to expect of them.... "tell us the story, and tell it true"
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Cyborg Agent
Re: Tapatalk issues with the new forum : An epic tale; without an epic end

You sure you ain't Shakespeare in hiding??? ;-)


Human Spambot
Re: Tapatalk issues with the new forum : An epic tale; without an epic end

Why u guys remove like . it must be pouring likes for him :(

- - - Updated - - -

Hats off to you bro. [MENTION=139494]powerhoney[/MENTION] shakespeare's alive?!!


Staff member
Re: Tapatalk issues with the new forum : An epic tale; without an epic end

[MENTION=8593]izzikio_rage[/MENTION] - Brilliant buddy, top notch ! :thumbs:


Ambassador of Buzz
Re: Tapatalk issues with the new forum : An epic tale; without an epic end

@OP you should start writing novels buddy your writing skills I admire ;)