Tally 9 Exsisting inbetween


hi eveybody

i had installed Tally 9 S/w i mean copy pasted folder from my friends pc
its works ok but inbetween it gives following error

"Exsisiting Tally Internal Error Contact Peutronics: Out of Name Space()"

So Again i have to restart and do the work and the same error keeps up coming

What is the pb? please find out the needful solution for the same



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hi eveybody

i had installed Tally 9 S/w i mean copy pasted folder from my friends pc
its works ok but inbetween it gives following error

"Exsisiting Tally Internal Error Contact Peutronics: Out of Name Space()"

So Again i have to restart and do the work and the same error keeps up coming

What is the pb? please find out the needful solution for the same

Maybe this could happen because you had not copied some important files which were needed to run Tally. Try installing Tally from a setup.