suggestions to buy gadgets

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Ambassador of Buzz
Hi Guys..
My friend is going to Bahrain soon and suggest him whats the best gadget to be purchased there.. in terms of Mobiles or MP3 players or Laptops...

dont worry about budget.. just throw in ur suggestions with ideal model numbers...


Point Blanc
cant do that without know in what price he is getting what.

Indian prices are compared to what you can get in US for most of branded HP/Dell laptops. check for mp3 players, also same goes for mobile, they are cheap in India


Sith Lord
Staff member
Hmm... it's a good idea to pick up some gadgets not available in these markets.
The official DVDs there are pretty cheap, and a whole bunch of obscure movies are available... so if there is a list of stuff that you wanted but couldn't find, ask for them. You can also pick up those small portable DVD players. If you are going for a digital camera, you'll find the water resistant models are cheaper there.
Radioshack outlets are there, so have a look at their online catalogue, and ask for geeky things that you really need.


My wishlist :

1> media player =cowon s9

2> phone=samsung omnia hd (8mp , true hd video recording 3.7inch amoled)

3> may be a nice set of head/ear phone to compliment your phone/pmp

4> camera = nikon 5000d . Cool swivel lcd.

If you want to spend on a single thing , then go for samsung omnia hd , that tnings gonna cost a lot in india.


Sith Lord
Staff member
^Don't go for the default lense, you will be disappointed by the zoom. Pick up a 28-105mm or a 28-200mm instead of the default one, or throw in a 75-300mm to the default kit.


Bond, Desi Bond!
EOS 500D should be around 50k if I am right. and yes, the default less is not that good. is good place for DSLR price listing in India


one advantage in canon 500D is HD video recording. for still images, EOS 50D is much much better and is costlier too.


^^ unless you know photography or willing to give certain amount of time to learn photography or handle dslr , you may actually take worse photo and most of the time you wont notice much difference in photo quality with dslr . So think before you invest in slr.

You may as well buy a panasonic fz50(or something like that) if you are casual photographer.

Btw , think about the omnia hd too.


Bond, Desi Bond!
^^and if you learn how to take photos will D-SLR, you will end up taking stunning photos with so much detail that point-and-shoot won't even even be able to recognize :)


Sith Lord
Staff member
I've heard a lot of people tell a lot of things about dSLRs. I've seen people abuse them, and in some cases, I have myself abused them. I've heard things like "it does not make sense to invest in one, unless you are going to be serious enough about it to earn from it". I know that an SLR lenses are tough to handle, taking shots in dark light, crowded indoor locations, and things like birds are tougher than P&S. You will also probably not take it out in the rain, or take tricky shots by bending out of vehicles and the like. No matter which dSLR you buy, a better and cheaper model will be available within three years. And apart from the investment in a dSLR, there is the investment in lenses, bags, tripods, filters etc. If you invest in Canon lenses, you cannot switch to a Nikkon camera tomorrow. I've seen people with prosumer cams get better shots than people with dSLRs. But, if you feel like buying an dSLR, go for it, because I've seen many who have no clue about photography, but enjoy using the SLR to no end. I am probably one of them.


Bond, Desi Bond!
well said. Also, point to be noted is that SLRs age lot lot slower than P&S cameras. And you always have a chance to go for a better lens instead of changing entire camera. I have a relative who is using 35mm film SLR for more than 20 years and it still rocks. The same is not going to happen for P&S.
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