suggest a good way or tutorials to learn Linux

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Deadman Walking
Guys iam perfect in windiws based OS but i had no atlest 2 % of knowledge in Linux, can anyone suggest a good approach to learn linux


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installing and using a linux,say Ubuntu helps.u may need 2-3 weeks to get a hold on linux very well if ur a windows power user.
* and other forums like this forum can help u.
Linuxmint(ubuntu+codecs) is good if u want to have multimedia support by default.using bash terminal is a necessity in Linux.but UNIX CLI is very easy to learn compared to DOS.every commands are documented under "man" for eg:
"man cat" or "man tac" will give the details of command and usage.also bash shell is sophisticated enough to complete the command by pressing TAB twice.
I'll suggest read:
before going for Linux.also if expecting alternate windows in Linux,then Linux is more similar to Mac and very different from windows.
if u want alternate to windows then try *
GNU/Linux is much more userfriendly now and 3D effects and eyecandies way better than aero is there(compiz-fusion).there are many window managers and Desktop Environments(Gnome,kde,Xfce etc) to choose from.stick with a Debian based distro like Ubuntu for easiness.even non-debian distro Fedora,opensuse all are nice,but package(s/w) management is a pain.
Debian is a Free Operating System- *
best of Lux


Deadman Walking
tahnkyou praka i think you are the genious in Linux environment

but a small doubt is ubuntu a linux operating system,i think it was a seperate
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Linux commands are not limited by number.there are linux command references in Linux distros itself.
dont expect a black screen like in cmd in windows.u can learn commands(if necessary) after installing Linux only!also Linux by default dont expect u to learn is,when some unsupported devices,particularly nvidia,ati or onboard VIA unichrome gfx cards,wifi cards etc and for some complex networking etc that u need commands.
For reference or to download pdf.
goto * if u want to know about different shells like bash,sh,tcsh etc.these are all not necessary.just start without any expectation of Linux to contain setup.exes,program files dir etc as in windows.instead Linux file system is different which u can see and learn after installing ubuntu for ur distro.if amd64 processor,download gutsy 7.10amd64 edition.
ps:some common cmds are ls(show list),mv(cut,move),cp(copy),rm(remove/delete),man(manual for command).
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