Student 'auctioning virginity for millions'

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Bad to the bone
We guys demand equal rights, this sexist...unfair. We want to be millionaires

MORE than 10,000 men have reportedly pledged more than $5 million online to claim the virginity of a 22-year-old San Diego student.
Natalie Dylan is being chased by besotted men across the world keen to spend a massive sum for one night of passion.

The chastity sale was first reported in September by US radio shock jock Howard Stern, but since then interest in her has rocketed with record hits to her MySpace page.

''I am shocked by how far this has gone,'' the 22-year-old told The Daily Mail.

''It's shocking that men will pay so much for someone's virginity, which isn't even prized so highly anymore."

The student already has a degree in women's studies and planned the virginity auction to raise enough funds for a masters course in family and marriage therapy.
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i think i've read something of this sort somewhere a couple of months ago ... not sure if it was the same person...

@amitabhishek, change the tags from code to quote ......


In this case being broke is a good thing for you. Had you actually paid for her virginity, in this day and age of hymenoplasty, your money would have been wasted anyway.


It's very sad to see youth do these kind of things today. And she wants to raise enough funds for a masters course in family and marriage therapy?? What irony!!

The Sorcerer

oh wow...Xenforo!!!
lol @ the part where she is shocked that men will pay THAT much for "doing it". If someone remembers, a small article about a year ago came that a guy going ebaying his virginity online via auction and it reached around $250,000 before it was torn down within the hour.
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