Sri Lanka rejects US-sponsored UNHRC resolution


Lost in speed
The United States-sponsored resolution against Sri Lanka over war crimes in the island nation was adopted by the United Nations Human Rights Commission (UNHRC) with India voting in its favour on Thursday.

While 25 nations voted in favour of the resolution, it was opposed by 13 others. There were as many as eight abstentions. Pakistan opted to go with Sri Lanka.

In his address at the UNHRC during the discussion on "Promoting reconciliation and accountability in Sri Lanka", the Indian envoy to the UN -- Dilip Sinha -- called for an independent and credible investigation into Sri Lankan war crimes.

"India believes that the report of the LLRC and its findings and recommendation provides a window of opportunity to forge a consensual way forward towards a lasting political settlement through genuine national reconciliation and the full enjoyment of human rights by all its citizens. We note with concern the inadequate progress by Sri Lanka in fulfilling its commitment to this Council in 2009. Further, we call on Sri Lanka to move forward on its public commitments, including on the devolution of political authority through full implementation of the 13th Amendment and building upon it," Sinha said.

"India has always been of the view that the end of the conflict in Sri Lanka provided a unique opportunity to pursue a lasting political settlement, acceptable to all communities in Sri Lanka, including the Tamils. We call for effective and timely implementation of all the constructive recommendations contained in the LLRC report, including those pertaining to missing persons, detainees, disappearances and abductions, reduction of 'high security zones', return of private lands by the military and withdrawal of the security forces from the civilian domain in the Northern Province. We reiterate our call for an independent and credible investigation into allegations of human rights violations and loss of civilian lives. We urge Sri Lanka to take forward measures to ensure accountability. We expect these measures to be to the satisfaction of the international community," he said.

"As Sri Lanka's closest neighbour, India remains engaged in a substantial way in the relief, resettlement, rehabilitation and reconstruction process in that country. Our efforts have contributed to the resettlement of Internally Displaced Persons and the rebuilding of infrastructure and development, especially in the Northern and the Eastern Provinces of Sri Lanka," Sinha said.
Why India didn't move amendments to resolution

According to sources, Sinha met the US permanent representative and conveyed to him amendments India proposed. The US representative said, it would not be possible to include those amendments as the US had already reached a consensus with the countries supporting its resolution after wide ranging consultations. Adding amendments at the last minute would erode that consensus, he said.

Source: India votes against Sri Lanka in UNHRC, 25 votes in favour of resolution, 13 against : North, News - India Today

Finally, Indian Govt. submitted itself to the people pressure on Srilankan issue.


Sri Lanka rejects US-sponsored UNHRC resolution

Sri Lanka on Thursday rejected a US-sponsored resolution at UN Human Rights Council and said it understood the domestic political compulsions of India for voting against Colombo.
The UN Human Rights Council today adopted the US-sponsored resolution on human rights violation in Sri Lanka with 25 countries, including India, voting in favour of the document in the 47-nation strong body.

While 13 countries, including Pakistan, voted against, eight member-states abstained from voting. Gabon, a member-country could not vote due to voting rights issue.

The Sri Lankan external affairs minister G L Peiris told the parliament here immediately after the resolution was adopted with Indian support that the US resolution was counterproductive as it had only highlighted the negatives whilst completely ignoring the progress made since the end to the war.


Lost in speed
People here (are more interested and) often comment on killing-of-2-kerala-fishermen-by-2-italian-marines, than the mass-murder-of-eelam-people-by-srilankan-government. The voting of Indian govt. against Srilankan govt. is a big step ever taken by Indian govt. with the pressure from political parties, as well as from students from tamilnadu & parts of India.

It's sad to see 0 comments on such a sensitive matter.

People don't have to see that it's specific to Tamils and we (whether north/south india) don't have anything to say/discuss on it.
Think it from the humanitarian perspective on the mass-murder-of-innocent-people in the names of war-crimes.

If none is interested, mods please delete this thread in a day or two.


Super Moderator
Staff member
discussion on topics like these require some detailed background knowledge which i am afraid to say you won't find on technology discussion is a complex issue related to a foreign country in whose affairs India intervened by sending armed forces(1st & last instance of its type) & further complicated the situation instead of improving it.there is also geopolitical issue to be considered vis-a-vis china & pakistan not to mention India's own policy of not intervening in another country's internal matters(aka Kashmir issue).always keep in mind that in politics nation's own interest always have to be given top priority over anything else which sadly India keeps forgetting.not even India is a saint when it comes to human rights abuses against its own people.


Back to school!!
We know very little about these incidents, very very little, and hence its unwise to comment on it, whether there was truly a mass murder or whether it was an act of self defense, as much as we would like to condemn Sri Lankan government we also have to keep in mind they have every right to defend their country, if we go against Sri Lanka just because they attacked the LTTE who by heritage are Indian then its the same as Pakistani's defending terrorists in Kashmir, let the events unfold slowly and see what happens, and afaik Sri Lanka holds a very important key to India's future, our worst enemy is not Pakistan but China, not just in the economic sense, and we cannot allow China to set up shop in Sri Lanka, we would have enough hard time defending ourselves against Chinese forces from the north if a war ever breaks out in future but an attack from South could cripple our marine defense as well, India shouldn't be aggressive in this matter based on some pictures etc, for all we know those people could have been killed when LTTE took them hostage and used them as shields as well as the possibility of Sri lankan forces actually committing mass murder, our government should watch and observe.

No offense to anyone :)

PS: India shouldn't be involved based on the fact we have not even been able to root out the Domestic Terrorists, neither by force nor by diplomacy, we should be the last people to comment on resolution of terrorism. Its not recommended to be surrounded by enemies, in north we have Pakistan and China, Bangladesh is ready to turn coat at any moment and Nepal/Bhutan is in significant, Myanmar will sell to the highest bidder(read: The chinese), we don't need to lose our only ally atm, we simply can't afford to.
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discussion on topics like these require some detailed background knowledge which i am afraid to say you won't find on technology discussion is a complex issue related to a foreign country in whose affairs India intervened by sending armed forces(1st & last instance of its type) & further complicated the situation instead of improving it.there is also geopolitical issue to be considered vis-a-vis china & pakistan not to mention India's own policy of not intervening in another country's internal matters(aka Kashmir issue).always keep in mind that in politics nation's own interest always have to be given top priority over anything else which sadly India keeps forgetting.not even India is a saint when it comes to human rights abuses against its own people.

Relations b/w Lanka and India totally deteriorated when the Lankans gave re-fueling rights to paki fighter planes during the 1971 war. In return our politicians gave away an island to Lanka hoping to secure their friendship :pullhair:. (A huge country like us giving territory to a small island like Lanka..ridiculous)

There was also wide spread atrocities being committed against the Tamils at this time by the majority Sinhalese. To teach the Lankans a lesson, R&AW began training and funding the LTTE.

The Lankans deserved the pounding they got at the hand of the LTTE. Period.


Lost in speed
^ Videos released by Channel4 literally showed Srilankan army people killing innocent eelam civilians blindfolding. It's a war ethics to not touch women/children though whatever happens, during fight. But here, the women were raped and brutally killed. Even the newborns and children were killed. Some of the images that i've seen really shook me to the deep.

Srilanka is an opportunistic ally. It's like "You can be my friend, until you nose it in my private matters though it's bad".


Super Moderator
Staff member
^ Videos released by Channel4 literally showed Srilankan army people killing innocent eelam civilians blindfolding. It's a war ethics to not touch women/children though whatever happens, during fight. But here, the women were raped and brutally killed. Even the newborns and children were killed. Some of the images that i've seen really shook me to the deep.

Srilanka is an opportunistic ally. It's like "You can be my friend, until you nose it in my private matters though it's bad".
it's really ironic that you & many here are blasting srilanka but don't even know that long before lanka & gaddafi bombed their own people Indian air force bombed Aizawl,now Mizoram's capital,to crush the Mizo insurgency back in 1966 & that was just the beginning of the brutal's like Pakistan scolding Sudan for exporting i said before India has no right to meddle in another country's affair when it had done the same in it is said "charity begins at home",India first must treat its own people with respect & then start preaching to others about human rights/treating their own people.
Gaddafi in Mizoram | Opinion | Times Crest


Wise Old Owl
it's really ironic that you & many here are blasting srilanka but don't even know that long before lanka & gaddafi bombed their own people Indian air force bombed Aizawl,now Mizoram's capital,to crush the Mizo insurgency back in 1966 & that was just the beginning of the brutal's like Pakistan scolding Sudan for exporting i said before India has no right to meddle in another country's affair when it had done the same in it is said "charity begins at home",India first must treat its own people with respect & then start preaching to others about human rights/treating their own people.
Gaddafi in Mizoram | Opinion | Times Crest

ironically RAW - indias secret intelligence unit trained LTTE tigers who later killed Rajiv Gandhi.

also it happened in 1970's . America bombed Japan ... but thats done with . you move on...

^ Videos released by Channel4 literally showed Srilankan army people killing innocent eelam civilians blindfolding. It's a war ethics to not touch women/children though whatever happens, during fight. But here, the women were raped and brutally killed. Even the newborns and children were killed. Some of the images that i've seen really shook me to the deep.

Srilanka is an opportunistic ally. It's like "You can be my friend, until you nose it in my private matters though it's bad".

it is war ethics but it happens everywhere, in a war there is always collateral damage

india is not able to resolve many of her issues, but that does not mean that she does not have the right to address concerns of people who belong to this community and have their roots in india

even countries like america havent been able to resolve so many issues, but it pokes its fingers in every hole...
The issue is such a mess, starts with educational reform which turned into an armed conflict leading to formation of LTTE and other activist groups. Then India supported it due to pressure from indian tamils, the increase in conflict caused flood of Tamil refugees to Tamil nadu and AP. Then the Indian tamils pressured indian gov to stop the refugee. India signed peace accord with srilanka which gives autonomus right to tamil majority part of srilanka and appointed a Moderate leader from the activist groups head it. LTTE did not like this and attacks the IPKF which was participating in relief efforts in the region till then (they killed the soldiers by putting burning tyres around their necks). This started the fight between the LTTE and IPKF and the 'Crazy" part is that the Sri Lankan government under Premadasa supported the LTTE with money and Arms this time (Amazing that Sri Lanka was one of the Last countries to declare LTTE a terrorist org and India was the first).
Then LTTE killed India PM and then kilLed the Sri lankan primier who supported them. Then being fools they are stared an out right war with gov and got their ass kicked, all this time killing thousands of Tamils and other civilians as part of ethnic cleansing and by using them as human sheilds. Finally the LTTE surrenders.
Then the Srilankan government, under the guise of the rehabilitation program of rebel millitants starts mass killings, rape etc.... of the LTTE who did the same themselves.
Now decide which side is correct and which is wrong.
And before you say about the women and child killings, most of them were innocents as per the Tamils and millitants according to the Srilankans.. and since the women and child wing of LTTE was supposed to one of the most of ruthless terrorist groups. Do you still think killing of a child who does not have any innocence left in him due to the years of wars and has become a ruthless animal; is any different from a killing a grown up terrorist ?!!
I would be amazed to find anything human in a region which has so got used to war and evil...
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Super Moderator
Staff member
discussion on topics like these require some detailed background knowledge which i am afraid to say you won't find on technology discussion is a complex issue related to a foreign country in whose affairs India intervened by sending armed forces(1st & last instance of its type) & further complicated the situation instead of improving it.there is also geopolitical issue to be considered vis-a-vis china & pakistan not to mention India's own policy of not intervening in another country's internal matters(aka Kashmir issue).always keep in mind that in politics nation's own interest always have to be given top priority over anything else which sadly India keeps forgetting.not even India is a saint when it comes to human rights abuses against its own people.
True. But no other country has a better track record than ours in the region with regards to "human rights".

Extreme Gamer

they treat women like ****, preach islam and yet the rulers and shiekhs enjoy immunity.

Very true. But I think right to a "fair" (for lack of a better word in my head) manner of execution is more important. That doesn't mean your points are not important. Personally, I condemn capital punishment no matter the crime committed. I think a living hell is a better punishment than an escape through death.


Super Moderator
Staff member
I think a living hell is a better punishment than an escape through death. according to this viewpoint capital punishment is more humane & therefore human rights activists should have no problems with giving capital punishment to those who have been awarded life sentence.see this is what happens when you try to bound law based on parameters like age,mental state,social status,family upbringing instead of judging each crime independently based solely on crime committed.a heinous crime deserves strict punishment including capital punishment no matter what the age,sex,mental state,family history,.... of accused is.i wonder how many human rights activists opposing death penalty would condemn death sentence given to someone like Hitler or Mussolini had they been captured is complete nonsense that a brutal rapist murderer can get away easily just because he was 3-4 months short of becoming 18 when he committed crime or a 80 yr old nazi war criminal who sent hundreds of people to their death gets just a wrist on slaps because according to court he is too old to be given a sentence.well i do believe in law of Karma & rest assured all this will come back to haunt human society in some form in future.


Wise Old Owl
Guantamo Bay :twisted:

that is worse than hell. heard of waterboarding? according to this viewpoint capital punishment is more humane & therefore human rights activists should have no problems with giving capital punishment to those who have been awarded life sentence.see this is what happens when you try to bound law based on parameters like age,mental state,social status,family upbringing instead of judging each crime independently based solely on crime committed.a heinous crime deserves strict punishment including capital punishment no matter what the age,sex,mental state,family history,.... of accused is.i wonder how many human rights activists opposing death penalty would condemn death sentence given to someone like Hitler or Mussolini had they been captured is complete nonsense that a brutal rapist murderer can get away easily just because he was 3-4 months short of becoming 18 when he committed crime or a 80 yr old nazi war criminal who sent hundreds of people to their death gets just a wrist on slaps because according to court he is too old to be given a sentence.well i do believe in law of Karma & rest assured all this will come back to haunt human society in some form in future.

a living hell is a better punishment than quick death. it makes you repent your actions and gives you a chance to change.

read about unit 731, there are more complicated issues at hand, the picture is not white and black. During world war 2 when nazi concentration camps were set up and the unit 731 ran they conducted many experiments which helped in gathering data which would eventually led to increased longevity which will help millions of people in the next generation and save their lives. You may argue that their actions were wrong, but many of them were given diplomatic immunity and became researchers in America. apart from that, the americans bombed japan with a nuclear bomb yet the perpetrators did not get any punishment. This was worse than what hitler did. It made life unbearable for another 100 years.

If you are talking about the crimes, dont confuse the present and the past.
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