Spliting s.w???????

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Ambassador of Buzz
Spliting bootable iso?

Hello mates
I made a slipstreamed xp which is abt 2.5 gb

i want to burn it on cd in 3-4 parts ... but how??????

if i use winrar or hjsplit it only split it in different parts but dont put any command in it like insert 2nd cd to continue and so on till the setup ends .

I ve some games cd which are splited from dvd ...

And while installting those games pc ask for 2nd cd (and so on) for furthur installation....

I wanna know which s.w i can use to split dvd games or any exe files

which insert the command that "insert 2nd cd or insert 3rd cd to continue"

I dont have dvd writer and i don wanna buy it now too...:D
thats y i need this help in spliting any os ,game or any file which is larger than 700 mbs

thanking u

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die blizzard die! D3?
for that you need to mess up with the installer which is strongly not advisable.BTW there should be option for that in whichever program you are using to make this custom XP.


Ambassador of Buzz
dere is no such option to split in different parts in nLite
but in vlite it has ....

any one help.........................


Ambassador of Buzz
hey akshay
windows unattended has option for split the image but it wont work mate :(

i just wanna know if spliting of OS not possible then tell me how a game dvd comes in cd in different parts??

I think here the same s/w or tweak works which is used to split games dvd
coz games dvds are also an exe file and can be splited

but how?
I found a s.w which can split os :) but it has bug :(

here is the screenshot...
so that u can believe that its possible and the size of the s.w is just 733 kb....


Option to choose the size of image with drag down....


error which i am getting when i press "create ISO image"

now anyone plz tell me other s.w like this....
Akshay tried to help but unfortunately that s.w has bug :(
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Ambassador of Buzz
ya akshay I told the developer 'vitali' abt this and he replied that it cant be fixed ...:( in coming days
he suggested me to remove some stuffs .... LOL

any other softwares mate which can split bootable iso???????
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