Speed of TZ Connection very slow

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In the zone
I installed TZ Connection Booster with a view to increasing the online speed. But there is no improvement of speed as I expected. Should I make any adjustment of settings? Plzz guys try to help me out on this one.


Aspiring Novelist
khattam_ said:
If you have then search for a crack!!

Plzz dude read the rules of the forum first....no discussion reagardin Cracks,serials warez etc.out here :(

Btw Kumaran.....softwares rarely boost anything in a Broadband connection....also heres a thread in the software discussion section regarding the softwares for increasing broandband speeds

Also It heavily depends on ur Connection speed that u have purachased and plzzz dun expect any software to deliver 64kbps speeds in a 32Kbps Line :(

Here's the link for Onspeed


it isnt the first time either ..
hes been at it since a month now ..everytime he posts he mentions warez/crack im surprised its going unnoticed by most !
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