Sony hacked again; Sony Pictures this time


Source: Engadget

Looks like Sony is having a tough time and 2011 does'nt seem to be the best of times for them. Around 10,00,000 passwords are reportedly stolen this time.


The following is the article:
Oh, Sony -- not again. We've just received numerous tips that Lulz Security has broken into, where it claims to have stolen the personal information of over 1,000,000 users -- all stored (disgracefully) in plain text format. Lulz claims the heist was performed with a simple SQL injection -- just like we saw the last time around. A portion of the group's exploit is posted online in a RAR file, which contains over 50,000 email / password combos of unfortunate users. We've downloaded this file (at our own risk, mind you) and can verify these sensitive bits are now in the wild, though it remains unclear if what's published matches reality. In addition to user information, the group has blurted out over 20,000 Sony music coupons, and the admin database (including email addresses and passwords) for BMG Belgium employees. Fresh off the heels of the PlayStation Network restoration, we're guessing the fine folks in Sony's IT department are now surviving solely on adrenaline shots.


The Power of x480
Staff member
Ok... now these Sony attacks is started to bore.
Don't HaC|<3RS have some pity on them! I feel sad for Sony. :(


BSD init pwns System V
I don't feel sad.. they deserve it.. first they advertise a product with a certain feature (OtherOS).. then they send a update and remove it (3.21).. thirdly, they sue a hacker who was trying to bring back that feature (geohot)... they deserve it..

Moreover, PS3 is the only product in the history of tech which has lost feature with every firmware update.. for instance, SACD playback, PS3 emulation, OtherOS etc.. Tomorrow, they'll release an update which will disable the playback of Blu-Ray movies on it coz their standalone Blu-Ray players aren't selling well..

Payback's a *****, ain't it Sony.. :D

God, I feel so happy when something wrong happens to either Sony or Apple.. :D


Sith Lord
Staff member
hmm chronology of events for clarification

GeoHot cracks PS3
Sony sues geohot
Hacker infects PSN employee with a targeted trojan
Hacker gains PSN info
Sony announces PSN info breach
Sony points finger at Anon, reports printed all over net
Anon denies hack against gamers
Sony apologizes, says Internet is a "bad place"
Internet jokes about sub-standard protection for user information
PSN struggles back into action. somewhat.
Lulz Security SQL inject their way into Sony Pictures database
Sony caught saving user data in plaintext


In the zone
Why in the world would they save user data in plain text? Thought they learned the hard way with PSN! They were asking for it!
Hmm wonder if i can still get a hold of the music coupon lol


Excessive happiness
Why in the world would they save user data in plain text? Thought they learned the hard way with PSN! They were asking for it!
Hmm wonder if i can still get a hold of the music coupon lol

Well, companies storing passwords and secure information in plain text, is complete bullsh1t. Few months before, the famous PG, ccAvenue caught with their pants down. *sigh*

BTW Sony deserves this. After all the inconvenience it caused to it's customers with PS3...


BIOS Terminator
sony PSP is also not spared. everytime SONY releases a new PSP firmware, it blocks all the previously working exploits and hacks. two days later, a hacker gets a new way to use the previous hacks on the new firmware or a way to downgrade it!!


Make Way the LORD is Here
good idea man.. all those apple n00bs .. what would they do if suddenly jobs mob gets screwed ! just love the idea :evil:


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
good idea man.. all those apple n00bs .. what would they do if suddenly jobs mob gets screwed ! just love the idea :evil:

QDB: Quote #877038877038

<Fyad> When I bought siemens cellphone, siemens sold its cellular section. When I bought yakumo screen, yakumo got bunkrupt. When I bought fujitsu-siemens laptop, siemens sold its share.
<Fyad> Just curious what to buy next...
<r_heart> apple
<hoobsta> Apple
<sailo> apple



People are still crying over linux support. We know that was to evade tax in the EU which failed.

But later PS3 was hacked. Yes long back. So they blocked other OS. I mean seriously why else would they do that. "Hey we like screwing up our customers lets put up an update which is a hidden downgrade". Seriously. No. Geohotz case has been settled in court. Which is law. Are you saying that you can actually scrutinize about justice meted out to him. He hacked the PS3. Hack=Piracy. Sony said we dont want piracy. Is that wrong?
Ofcource 0.00067% of the users were genuinly going to use the exploit to install Linux. I dont fall in that but I would still rant? Yes. Am I justified? No
I still have that crack file sitting in my PC. I never installed it in my PS3.

I say all this coz I dont want the PS3 to die coz of piracy the way PC gaming is dying.

Sony screws up in one and only one department: Pricing

I dont know how many of you lost your CC details to that hack but I didnt. So I dont care much about it. All that bothers me is that PSN is down. Crap!


People like these are defaming the entire Hacker community. Hacker is to computers is like Plumbers is to pipe. As long as they keep their hacking to themselves, it is great but once they start messing with others pipes, it is invading other's piracy.

I totally support GeoHot, he kept his hacking to himself instead of going on and messing with others..but these guys, they are just ar$3h0l3s. The media will never get used to the term cracking, so it's worthless going on to differentiate between both of the terms, so as to keeping our name away from the dirt.

What Sony did to GeoHot was wrong, what these so-called hackers are doing to Sony proves the same unfair treatment. Does it make them any different from Sony?
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Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
People like these are defaming the entire Hacker community. Hacker is to computers is like Plumbers is to pipe. As long as they keep their hacking to themselves, it is great but once they start messing with others pipes, it is invading other's piracy. I totally support GeoHot, he kept his hacking to himself instead of going on and messing with others..but these guys, they are just ar$3h0l3s. The media will never get used to the term cracking, so it's worthless going on to differentiate between both of the terms, so as to keeping our name away from the dirt.

Er Sony stored their customer data like credit card details in PLAIN TEXT for crying out loud. A CC detail among other important data as PLAIN TEXT. This from the same company who locks out its own customers and goes on and on with their irritating DRM schemes. The very same company can't even bother to encrypt critical customer details. Jesus wept.
If anyone who deserves being hacked it's Sony.
Sony has all the blame here. Will you blame thiefs if you go out of town leaving the main door of your house wide open?
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