Slow speeds on Airtel GRPS even with EDGE

What speeds do get on airtel with EDGE??

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i am getting very slow speeds on airtel mobile office, tell possible reasons

Handset: Nokia 6020
Windows Vista
Place: Jaipur city(which has EdGE on all towers the CC told me)
Conection type: Cable CA-42

i get only 1-2kBps download speeds but airtel promises atleast 7-8kBps of speed:mad:

check screenshot
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Wise Old Crow
Me too facing the same problem..don't know whether its really due to slow Airtel MO net connection or a trojan that I have on my PC..? But speed has become real slow these days.
I used to get 18-20KBps download speeds(using Download manager) and I even downloaded full DVDRip movies with that. But now I dont get speeds more than 5KBps.

I will check after I reinstall the OS.


Google Bot
U are not alone gary... since abt 4 months i m getting very low speeds... the avg speed these days is 1-2 kBps..

i called thier customer service they said my cable is not original & said it can't be used to access ne:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Now thier giving lame excuses:( :( :(

How to tell cable is original or not???
i use CA-42 cable


Google Bot
the cc ppl r fools.. Give damn foolish reasons.. Btw if u got it wit the fone then its original.. Also the data transfer speeds r much more thru the cable than the gprs speed.. So it really doesnt matter..

the cc ppl r fools.. Give damn foolish reasons.. Btw if u got it wit the fone then its original.. Also the data transfer speeds r much more thru the cable than the gprs speed.. So it really doesnt matter..

the cc ppl r fools.. Give damn foolish reasons.. Btw if u got it wit the fone then its original.. Also the data transfer speeds r much more thru the cable than the gprs speed.. So it really doesnt matter..
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Wire muncher!
^^^ hehe... pathik.. i can understand ur frustration... control yaar! :D

btw, if speeds suck then its the problem of the service provider.... there are no bottlenecks at ur place.. so don't worry.. jus make sure ur pc is free of any malware...


Cyborg Agent
even then speeds really suck for gprs anywhr esp witout edge.....i get 3-4kbps n day n 5-6kbps at nite using reget download but browsing is almost impossible for me.....coz its too inconsistant wen used anywhr except reget download manager....



The Sexy Beast
dunno abt my tower has edge but i get 6kBps dl speed only with limewire with DAP and FDM it's only abt 4-5 and firefox gives abt 3-4 while rest incl. opera with only 1-2.5

those lucky enough to get a bb conn. plz get it wireless conn. in india is going nowhere for sometime to come


gary4gar said:
i use Linux so no worries:p

How did you make linux detect CA-42 cable? and how do you dial up? Can you pass me detailed instructions? I have to go to windows to access the internet on my laptop.. :(


God of Mistakes...
deepakchan said:
How did you make linux detect CA-42 cable? and how do you dial up? Can you pass me detailed instructions? I have to go to windows to access the internet on my laptop.. :(

THIS & THIS may help you to configure Internet on Linux via Mobile (as I did) :D

deepakchan said:
How did you make linux detect CA-42 cable? and how do you dial up? Can you pass me detailed instructions? I have to go to windows to access the internet on my laptop.. :(
Trust me Linux detected my mobile even Till date i am not able to use the same cable in Xp but it also works in VISTA


Hell Sucks!!!
Currently m at my mom's place (She is nw posted in a remote town of Jharkhand, Deoghar) and got an Airtel connection here. Its no EDGE here and i get speeds maxing upto 7KB and generally its around 4.4KB though it occasionaly dips below 1KB too but its quite less now a days than it was for the first 15 days of my 2.5 months stay at home till now.
In mean time i also went Delhi for 4 days and in the way i stopped in Patna and connected there and to my surprise, speeds were in excess of 20KBps and i downloaded quite many a things in my 3 hrs stay there. Seems Patna has got EDGE but very few users so the data network was quite free from congestion and so this superb speed. Bt whn i reached delhi whr i used to get speeds upto 20KBps in night and till 10-15KB in daytime when dual APN trick used to work, i was surprised to that the speeds were worse than my home. Most of the times they were 1 to 2KBps and only sometimes occasional bursts took it upto 10-15 for a minute or two and even nights were no diffrent than day. In simple words, it was PATHETIC in delhi, maybe a temporary problem but this was it. Totally opposite of what it used to be


Google Bot
I used to get slightly better speeds on ubuntu 7.04 thru my ca-42... but the sppeds on fedora 7 r worse than my xp speeds...
but in any case the biggest bug is airtel... it sux..



what is free GPRS now ??? nothing in the world is free right ?? that too airtel giving away something for free ??


King of my own Castle
GPRS in India sucks whatever connection you have...
I dont think we are seeing broadband on Mobile for another 3 years atleast which is way to slow compared to the world standards.
I am Look at the world.Where are we living...Stone age was better.! Atleast they didint had inferiority competition from their neighbors.


Hell Sucks!!!
@freshseasons : Maybe u r right but people in Patna(Bihar) are real lucky ones, getting 20KBps+ speed in downloading and even surfing. Real lucky !
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