Slight pauses in Frame rate in Fear

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In the zone
As u know from the topic that what problem i am having so please tell me how do i solve this problem? All the settings are maxed out and physics are also maxed out, Soft shadows ON, 4x AA, 16XAF. I ran the benchmark it says
Min: 56
Average: 151
Maximum: 381
So i don't think i should have problem with sight pauses in Frame rate. The gameplay is not smooth. The pause usually happens when i move the mouse like while aiming etc. The pause is for very small time. Less than a second. I think this is what is called micro sluttering if i am not wrong. Please help.

quan chi

mortal kombat
As u know from the topic that what problem i am having so please tell me how do i solve this problem? All the settings are maxed out and physics are also maxed out, Soft shadows ON, 4x AA, 16XAF. I ran the benchmark it says
Min: 56
Average: 151
Maximum: 381
So i don't think i should have problem with sight pauses in Frame rate. The gameplay is not smooth. The pause usually happens when i move the mouse like while aiming etc. The pause is for very small time. Less than a second. I think this is what is called micro sluttering if i am not wrong. Please help.


i dont game beyond 1024x768.

i play the game at 2xaa 4xaf and everything set to high.
even at the lowest seting this thing persists.

you also must be facing this problem. sometime you move the mouse around in a particular area and this stuttering occurs.if you move the mouse again in the same area no stuttering!!

fps i get on 1024x768.

average 50.


Aspiring Novelist
Had the exact same issue with my 7900GT earlier.When you turn your mouse it would occasionally stutter. I'm not sure if it's an issue with this game in general or something but it happened no matter what I did.Update drivers, reduce AA, reduce some effects etc. but nothing helped.It would occur randomly & would sometimes hamper the gameplay.It's still a mystery as to why this happens.I haven't tried it after I got this card though.


Aspiring Novelist
I just read that up while I was posting my reply.It seems like many people have this issue.Some attribute it to page file caching & others to EAX sound.I have completed the game so won't be loading it anytime soon.If I start playing Extraction point then might just give it a shot.


Mine is a XFX 7600GT 256MB DDR3 XXX Edition paired with A64 X2 3600+,2Gig RAM. I also played it @ maxed out settings ( But the res was 1024x768 ). Very smooth,extremely stable,Had no problems. But maybe if we move on to higher res that prob may surface........don know abt that,

PS:Hey shloeb, wats ur config? ( Mention the GPU Core & mem speed )


In the zone
The config is in my signature.
The resolution is 1024x768

the cpu core and memory speed is 625/993. Double the second one for effective
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Aspiring Novelist
It seemed fine on my stuttering..have completed the game..but will give it another try....Shloeb..please could you list your Advanced Settings for Display/Video (in the FEAR game).

Also are you on the latest Catalyst Drivers..?? And which release month is your DirectX..?

Also any OC'ing (any compenent)..or is it all Stock.?


If many had this same type of problem, then its with the game(personally i think there is nothing wrong with the game).

quan chi

mortal kombat
Had the exact same issue with my 7900GT earlier.When you turn your mouse it would occasionally stutter. I'm not sure if it's an issue with this game in general or something but it happened no matter what I did.Update drivers, reduce AA, reduce some effects etc. but nothing helped.It would occur randomly & would sometimes hamper the gameplay.It's still a mystery as to why this happens.I haven't tried it after I got this card though.

the problem is as creepy and mysterious as the game is.:eek:
i think alma and paxton fettel is effecting here also.:D

or the game developers has added this to bring the realism in fear for the gamers to feel it with the stutterings.:D

btw i have not completed the game.but it lags badly at the interval 8 mission where you have to destroy those rocket firing robots.

btw yes i have also noticed this thing the stutterings increase when there sound effects goes in its random explosions and gun firings etc.


Aspiring Novelist
Repeated stutter should not occur..unless FPS is getting really low. There could be many version/GPU bottlenecking...!


Aspiring Novelist
GPU bottlenecking shouldn't be a possibility in his case at all.The stutter isn't constant & not in every scene.It's random & happens mostly when you move your mouse in right/left direction.The gaps is for less than fraction of a second & then it works fine.Try to update the game with some latest patch & see how it goes.I didn't try it back then but was able to complete it.The stutter I noticed was in the initial levels only.Once I has upgraded to my then Nvidia Forceware 175.16 drivers it seemed to curb the issue to some extent.Which catalyst are you using? 8.7?


As u know from the topic that what problem i am having so please tell me how do i solve this problem? All the settings are maxed out and physics are also maxed out, Soft shadows ON, 4x AA, 16XAF. I ran the benchmark it says
Min: 56
Average: 151
Maximum: 381
So i don't think i should have problem with sight pauses in Frame rate. The gameplay is not smooth. The pause usually happens when i move the mouse like while aiming etc. The pause is for very small time. Less than a second. I think this is what is called micro sluttering if i am not wrong. Please help.

See man if you are playin perseus mandate then it's necessary if you are playin extraction point or the original one then adding some patch will fix up the problem.....


In the zone
It seemed fine on my stuttering..have completed the game..but will give it another try....Shloeb..please could you list your Advanced Settings for Display/Video (in the FEAR game).

Also are you on the latest Catalyst Drivers..?? And which release month is your DirectX..?

Also any OC'ing (any compenent)..or is it all Stock.?
All parts are at stock. I have faced this sluttering problem in oblivion to as well as assasin creed so i thought it was the ram as assasin creed requires more than 2 gb.
I am using 8.7 catalyst drivers. That shouldn't give any problem. 8.8s don't solve much problems anyway. Directx was the one that came with cod4. I think its the march one. All the advanced settings are to the max.

quan chi

mortal kombat
GPU bottlenecking shouldn't be a possibility in his case at all.The stutter isn't constant & not in every scene.It's random & happens mostly when you move your mouse in right/left direction.The gaps is for less than fraction of a second & then it works fine.Try to update the game with some latest patch & see how it goes.I didn't try it back then but was able to complete it.The stutter I noticed was in the initial levels only.Once I has upgraded to my then Nvidia Forceware 175.16 drivers it seemed to curb the issue to some extent.Which catalyst are you using? 8.7?

then i was right.alma and fettel might be the issue.:D

i encounter this only in fear games.even this thing occurs in perseus mandate demo.

one question to all who has posted here. does everyone here has onboard sound.
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