Size of an organism and its metabolic rate ∝ Life in small motion


Lost in speed
If you've ever sat puzzling over a fly's ability to outmaneuver your swift slap of death almost every. single. time—puzzle no more. According to science, you're just measly Agent Smith to the bug's Neo; new research shows that a creature's perception of time is directly related to its size, meaning flies live in a world where time passes as if in slow motion.

But how can we possibly know what's going on in that fly's itty bitty brain? It's all more or less thanks to something called "critical flicker fusion frequency," which is basically an animal's ability to detect distinct flashes of flickering light before they appear to merge together. And that point at which the lights fuse together offers insight into that subject's perception of time. As Dr. Andrew Jackson (his real name) from Trinity College Dublin in the Republic of Ireland told The Guardian:

Andrew Jackson said:
Interestingly, there's a large difference between big and small species. Animals smaller than us see the world in slo-mo. It seems to be almost a fact of life. Our focus was on vertebrates, but if you look at flies, they can perceive light flickering up to four times faster than we can. You can imagine a fly literally seeing everything in slow motion.

We humans, for example, have a CFFF of around 60Hz when young and healthy, but that rate lowers as we age. Spermophilus lateralis, aka the golden-mantled ground squirrel, on the other hand, has a CFFF of 120Hz – and so according to Jackson and his team, that cute li'l critter perceives the world and its inhabitants to be moving half as fast as we see them.

Flies See the World in Matrix-Style Slow Motion

This is the main thing, i've felt when reading the above article.

Actually,we've witnessed this in games when dealing with bosses of behemoth size. The bigger the boss, the slower they move, thereby giving time to dodge,evade attacks and hit on their weak spots.

Imagine us a fly (from the above research) and boss as the mankind trying to hit the fly. Bosses think they're fast enough to kill the protagonist, but as per our perception they move slow because of their huge size.

Be it the battle with Guardian of Darksiders or with Giant from PoP:two thrones.


Cyborg Agent
Reminds of the movie "Epic" .

Ditto .. ;)
However, ever noticed fly in night time, they are damn slow at that time and you can catch them easily. ..

Plus, this could finally explain why an elephant never forgets. Because if you're an elephant, everything just happened.
I liked that ...

So it means bigger you are, you have edge over smaller ones for remembering things..
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