Should IPL exists

Should IPL exist

  • Yes, it should we love cricket.

    Votes: 15 40.5%
  • No, save environment.

    Votes: 22 59.5%

  • Total voters
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Employment, yeah right. :rolleyes: Rather they should focus their energy on strengthening our domestic leagues. Have you seen the matches of the Australian leagues? Every match is competitive. Their players don't come in the team with thousands of domestic runs under their belt on the back of flat pitches. They score these runs on difficult pitches and hence no new Aussie player is a flop. Look at Cameron White, Doug Bollinger, Nathan Hauritz, etc.

I'd rather have them employed at the domestic level. Trophies like Ranji should be made tougher to win by providing competitive wickets, so that we produce the world's best pacers as well as spinners. We don't have a single bowler in the lineup who can win us the match on his own. That bowler was last seen when Kumble was in the team. Bhajji is too moody.

On the domestic level, curators should be given strict instructions to make very competitive wickets. The crowd should be drawn to the domestic leagues. IPL is almost like people come to see the match to see celebs (owners and their guests and the players they hire) only. The star value has made the league a hit and not the game.


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Only T20 can trigger the expansion of Cricket as a global sport otherwise it will remain the sole privilege of the 8 test playing nations.

ODI and Tests can't. Indians can waste their time sitting in front of TVs for 5 full days or 8 hours for ODIs continuously. No one else can't.

The only thing wrong is flat pitches like I said before. Give good competitive pitches which I especially want, you won't see "blind hitting."


Only T20 can trigger the expansion of Cricket as a global sport

ODI and Tests can't. Indians can waste their time sitting in front of TVs for 5 full days or 8 hours for ODIs continuously. No one else can't.

coming to pitches I love the way Newzealand Pitches Behave (atleast before 3-4 years)
they are Bowlers (fast , Med fast) heaven.
Good to see we have good support for Bowlers from Members :)
has any one read the article recently by Dale styne ?

Ha.. ithink :D this Thread is going OFFTOPIC
and going on topic just ridiculous reasons to ban IPL From OP


Cricket was always against the environment. The bats are not eco-friendly you know. :lol: Does that mean we should stop playing cricket?


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Who wants that.....?? the management you think has come up with T20 to make cricket reach the you r dreaming, its just money. You cannt expect to kill the mere existance of the game just to reach masses. Games like NBA, ruggby has their specific target audience, if now you think US decides to make it global they should change the games very existance with stupid rules and unnecessary advertizing.
Have we really changed the game's very existence with stupid rules? See: Adoption. (IPL has "adopted".)
T20 is a format of Cricket. It came way before the first season of IPL occured. Nothing less and nothing more.

And all the sport you have mentioned above get finished in mere 2 hours at max. :p

Rather we should have a a Test match or ODI league? For a league, T20 is the format most suited.

Indians dont "wast" time while watching ODIs and test, they "enjoy it" so does all the other cricket playing nations and true cricket lovers, if people like you feel its a wast of time, it not surprising that you support the no brain game version of cricket called IPL
oh really? When did I say I support "IPL"? I'm just supporting the T20 format. All formats are equal. Too much of so-called purists piss me off especially when they will never bother watching a Ranji game. :rolleyes: A game surely evolves over a period of time. T20 is an evolution. Never did I say that it's better than ODI or Test Cricket. T20 is Cricket. Accept it or not.
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IPL is :lol:

Cricket is no longer cricket. I disagree with:
T20 is Cricket. Accept it or not.

T20 is much more like baseball. Period.

Sachin has redefined the art of batting in the IPL. Only 3 sixes till now. He plays cricket, the rest are merely wild swingers of the bat.
Who wants that.....?? the management you think has come up with T20 to make cricket reach the you r dreaming, its just money. You cannt expect to kill the mere existance of the game just to reach masses. Games like NBA, ruggby has their specific target audience, if now you think US decides to make it global they should change the games very existance with stupid rules and unnecessary advertizing
That's like saying "Oh look, I DONT want cricket to be popular. I DONT want cricket to be an olympic sport. Let it remain as it is. We indians are watching. Thats enough"

Is that what you want? To reach out to the world, time is of the essence. Why do you think footie, hockey, basketball is popular all around the world? Time oriented.

You can come back from a hard day of work, go to a footie/hockey/basketball match. You''ll be back home in 3 hours thoroughly entertained.

Try watching a test/odi match in the same scenario. Oh wait, we Indians will watch anything right? :rolleyes:
Indians dont "wast" time while watching ODIs and test, they "enjoy it" so does all the other cricket playing nations and true cricket lovers, if people like you feel its a wast of time, it not surprising that you support the no brain game version of cricket called IPL

LOL, no brains? IPL whether you like it or not as brought India to the center stage of world cricket (barring Kotla) proving we have the finances, love for the sport, and infra. How can a system rear profits and garner huge sales in tickets/trp if it has no brains? :rolleyes:

You give anything, I mean anything, I can bet you on paper....80% of the game will still be blind hitting and nothing else......

And you expect the world to watch kirket how? Watching a 5 day drain that may end up with no win? or a whole day of waste when ultimately people just watch the first/last 10 overs? Really, get your arguments straight.

T20 is a platform ICC has managed to create to try and attract more countries into the sport. 10yrs from now, would you like the same pool of 10 nations in the game? or more?

IPL is just extending that platform. Heck youtube managed to bag rights for online coverage, showing how massively important this could be for the spread of the game.

Sure, it renders in limitless profits, and La-Lisp Modi is raking it in.

But if ultimately, cricket triumphs, IPL has won. (and it has IMO)
ok for you then it should be like......."Oh look!! nobody is watching cricket around the world except India or the cricketing nations....its not popular.....Damm the game wont survive, we have to make it popular, screw the game, it should be popular thats more important"

I wonder if people like you are in some sports management what would you do to games like "golf" and "Snookers" which are snail pace games to make them more popular.
Really? I doubt whether this sentiment remains the same 10yrs on. We all like to stay in our little shells dont we? Call ourselves "great acheivers"?

Face it, the WC at 2007 in WI was a wake up call to ICC about the fact that nobody has a whole day of precious time to waste (of course, in India, thats well . .I wont continue :rolleyes: )

The number of T20 Tournos has gone up since then. Each of them have been making millions of dollars and garnering interest. (Stanford T20, T20 Cup in UK, KFC Challenge) IPL has just been more successful.

If somethings not popular, nobody gives a rat's ass. Is Ranji trophy final bringing in crowds? Australia vs New Zealand recorded lowest attendence for the first time in decades for TESTS and ODIs. I wonder what will you argue about here. :rolleyes:

you want to be thoroughly entertained.....go watch a movie, hit the bar, gamble, screw around, do whatever.....just dont watch cricket ...simple

So, if I want to be entertained, cricket is not for me? Try explaining that to anyone who would like to see the game grow. I fail to see how this can be used as an argument.

lol you dont need brains to garner huge profit and sales in was obvious.....add all that non cricketing nonsence,(glamour, bollywood....etc ect) make it shotter (which obviously would shower sixes and fours) advertize it like insane and with a population of 100 crore you got your huge profit and sales in tickets......
Go watch the Ranji final. Better still. England vs Bangladesh test match. If you dont change the channel after 10mins, you sir, are a special individual.

Then my friend you dont have the slighest idea what cricket as a game is (which is obvious given the arguement you are trying to pull) and all other on your side know cricket just as an entertainment
Frankly, I've had enough of this argument. You just fail to see my point.

Test cricket is never just win or loose, even to get to a draw is sometimes considered more tough, challenging and hence even more satisfying over a clear a win. True cricket as a game tests a team's/player's temperament, character, endurance, technique keeping it entertaining as well.....ONLY for those who understand cricket as a game.

Wrong my friend IPL has not won it just successfully was able to carter that "specific" audience who just needs pure fun out of the game, by whatever means......thats it
Ok. You win :rolleyes: *sarcasm*


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Staff member
ok your support for T20 is welcomed,
I know.

IPL is even a more crocked version of T20.
No denying.

T20 is not an evolution,
Wrong. It is an evolution.

cricket already has evolved as a game,
Yes, it has. btw, earlier Cricket was played with "hockey-like" bats. Did Cricket die when we started using the proto-modern bat?

they have changed the format,
How come? IPL has just adopted T20 as the format.

added rules,
Test cricket died when no and wide ball were introduced? Or did ODIs die when 15 overs restriction was introduced?

added bollywood, added half naked women, added maindrass, added media, added non cricket contests,
Everyone knows that this is wrong.

added all non cricketing nonence... ... to lure "specific" kind of audience who just wants blind fun out of the game irrespective of the "actual" game. To lure Audiance for whom cricket is................"just in the first 15 overs" one question of "skore kaya hua hai" in the middle innings and "the last 5 overs" thats it.
YOU as a "cricketing audience" will not even watch a Ranji match on the television for more than 5 minutes. Or you might not even know whether the Ranji matches are going on or not.

This is not cricket....
Cricket died when ODIs were introduced?

T20 is not cricket
Cricket died when ODIs were introduced!

and IPL is even worst than T20 as cricket........
What about Kerry Packer's "Circus"?

Accept it or not...
Not accepting.

+100 Absolutely...... And with a fact that he still is the second heighest scorer in IPL.
Sachin is a legend.

ok for you then it should be like......."Oh look!! nobody is watching cricket around the world except India or the cricketing nations....its not popular.....Damm the game wont survive, we have to make it popular, screw the game, it should be popular thats more important"
Nope. I see T20 as just another form of the game which will give a FAIR chance to smaller Cricketing nations to come forward and participate in the global arena.

I wonder if people like you are in some sports management what would you do to games like "golf" and "Snookers" which are snail pace games to make them more popular.
Golf has it's other forms too. We are not discussing golf and snookers anyways. And these games are ACTUALLY more popular all over the world than Cricket is.

you want to be thoroughly entertained.....go watch a movie, hit the bar, gamble, screw around, do whatever.....just dont watch cricket ...simple
Why NOT Cricket?

lol you dont need brains to garner huge profit and sales in was obvious.....add all that non cricketing nonsence,(glamour, bollywood....etc ect) make it shotter (which obviously would shower sixes and fours) advertize it like insane and with a population of 100 crore you got your huge profit and sales in tickets......
Now that is an ON-topic argument in context of the IPL.

Why blame T20 for this?

Then my friend you dont have the slighest idea what cricket as a game is (which is obvious given the arguement you are trying to pull) and all other on your side know cricket just as an entertainment
T20 is a form of Cricket. And you + all the others on your side will never watch a Ranji game on the Television....???

Test cricket is never just win or loose, even to get to a draw is sometimes considered more tough, challenging and hence even more satisfying over a clear a win.

True cricket as a game tests a team's/player's temperament, character, endurance, technique keeping it entertaining as well.....ONLY for those who understand cricket as a game.
Test cricket is another form of Cricket. Everyone knows that T20 and Test cricket are different.

Wrong my friend IPL has not won it just successfully was able to carter that "specific" audience who just needs pure fun out of the game, by whatever means......thats it
So, why not a form of Cricket for those audience as well?
It's just like the case of so-called "uber gamers" calling Wii sh1te when they have no idea about what gaming is.
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Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
T20 is not cricket......
Well it IS cricket, no matter how much you deny :p
(1) There is a batsman who is batting
(2) There is batsman at non-strikers end
(3) Bowler does bowling
(4) There's a wicket keeper behind the stumps
(5) 9 other players are fielding
(6) 9 others are either out and waiting, while sitting in the pavillion
(7) Umpire is there behind the stumps and square leg.
(8) Hit the ball and it reaches boundard, with bouncing is 4 runs; without bouncing is 6.
(9) If it's not boundary, then batsman have to run between wickets to score
(10) LBW, caught, bowled, run out apply

In fact it IS cricket since all these rules are followed.
Now if one says it's a pure form of cricket or not or that it test real "cricketing skills", now that could be a debate but T20 not being cricket is a LOL argument :lol:


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ico said:
What about Kerry Packer's "Circus"?
No idea what you mean here.
omfg, a true Cricket fan doesn't know about that?


---------- Post added at 07:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:59 PM ----------

For me and I think for most true cricket fans......Cricket as a sport is played with real cricketing again T20 is not cricket.....
Slogging is a cricketing skill. :p Like it or not. It is. :D

And you should really stop this "true Cricket" bullshit. :p

---------- Post added at 07:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:01 PM ----------

I WILL watch rahji if its between crickting nations, the reason I dont watch ranji is not because i want sixes and fours and cheerleaders etc......its just because i enjoy nations to compete, NOT my own states. U have Ranji between nations (test odi whatever) and I will be there to see.
Sums it all. Just because of the fact that "true Kirkit fans" like you will not even go to watch these domestic matches, we need the IPL for the "noob Kirkit fans" to fill up the stadium and who can also act as a motivation for the young "khiladis" to get forward in whatever way.

Secondly, it was a "lame" argument on your part. Why not watch domestic First-class Cricket along with Test cricket of which you are so much a fan? You prefer watching international matches? You are yourself going for the "Antar-rashtriye" "glam-sham" in a way.
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