Sharing a net connection with a symbian phone

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Walking, since 2004.

I recently bought Nokia E50, a Symbian 9.1 3rd edition phone. I read on quite a few sites that I can share my net connection with my mobile through bluetooth by installing Gnubox on my Symbian phone. I referred to a couple of guides. * and *

I use a PPPOE connection on my Mac Mini that runs Mac OS 10.4.8.

The first step in both guides is to pair my phone with my Mac and set up a serial port. I've done that. However, I just can't connect to the internet from my phone using both the guides.

Method 1 i.e. * says that I need to assign a private IP to my phone similar to that of my Mac. However, the difference here is that I use a PPPOE connection and therefore, my Mac's ethernet connection does not have a private IP.

The method also asks to enter the following command in Terminal.

sudo /usr/sbin/pppd /dev/tty.Bt 115200 noauth local passive proxyarp asyncmap 0 silent persist*:

What IP address should I give, to the phone, in my case?

In another step, it says

'Under Options > Advanced settings > Name servers for this connection(on the phone), enter the IP address of your primary name server (i.e. the name server you're using on your Mac)'.

My mac's ethernet PPPoE connection does not have any IP address/name server. What should I do in this case?

Method 2: The Apple Script that is attached is faulty.

do shell script "sudo /usr/sbin/pppd /dev/tty.bluetooth-pda-sync-port 115200 noauth local passive proxyarp asyncmap 0 silent persist : &" with administrator privileges
do shell script "sudo /usr/sbin/sysctl -w net.inet.ip.forwarding=1"
do shell script "sudo /usr/sbin/natd -same_ports -use_sockets -log -deny_incoming -interface en0"
do shell script "sudo /sbin/ipfw add divert natd ip from any to any via en0"

So, I tried entering the commands in Terminal manually.

sudo /usr/sbin/pppd /dev/tty.bluetooth-pda-sync-port 115200 noauth local passive proxyarp asyncmap 0 silent persist :

sudo /usr/sbin/sysctl -w net.inet.ip.forwarding=1

sudo /usr/sbin/natd -same_ports -use_sockets -log -deny_incoming -interface en0

I get this error when I pass the above command:

natd: en0: cannot get interface address

Can some one Please help me with this? I only want to know how to get OS X to share the ethernet connection with the phone(/dev/tty.Bt)!
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18 Till I Die............
Give OpenDNS a try and see if that helps *
Add the entry to both phone and Mac.
About the rest, I will have to give a try.


Walking, since 2004.
tech_your_future said:
Give OpenDNS a try and see if that helps *
Add the entry to both phone and Mac.
About the rest, I will have to give a try.

openDNS does not work on pacenet as I don't have any modem/router.
mediator said:
This might help *

The problem is that I can't assign a IP to my ethernet connection. If I could, I wouldn't have any problems :(
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