Report: Blizzard Releasing StarCraft HD


Killing Machine
>Remaster of 9 year old game.
Blizzard logic.
Its actually a pretty decent price going by Blizzard's standards. I mean you of all people should know that as you play Hearthstone. I don't know for sure if you have thrown your $60 at card packs (gamble) or $9.99 for in-game hero portraits but I just bought D3 - Necromancer Pack for $14.99 when it launched couple of days back. That is not even an expansion like RoS but pure in-game content - additional class and cosmetics. Comparing to that, you get to experience the whole revamped game for $14.99.

Talking about the age factor:
1. Diablo 2 (released 2000, 17 years old) and is being sold as-is for $9.99
2. Starcraft (released 1998, 19 years old) and sold revamped (extra $5) for $14.99.

Starcraft Remastered pricing is pretty much in line with their pricing policies and justifiable for Blizzard as people still play their old classic games including myself even today. (Diablo 2)
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Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
StarCraft is the national sport of Korea basically, to the point that they still play it despite of the fact StarCraft 2 being out. It only makes sense that they remaster the multiplayer in it.
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Killing Machine
I thought it was obvious. Who'd expect North Korea to have video games at all?
If it had been allowed in North Korea, the rules would've been like:

1. Every male born in the country should play the game atleast one year in their lifetime
2. Hotkeys are reserved only for the elite family members of Kim. Normal people can't use any hotkeys in the game.
3. Anyone can play with anyone within the country in local server but no MP with external world are allowed.
4. Whoever conspires to win against Kim will have his four generations of family members imprisoned.
5. Whoever wins against Kim unfortunately by mistake will be rewarded with food as well as shot in the back of the head after eating.
6. Kim will occasionally try Starcraft strategies and attacks against South Korea and US coz it's fun and crazy. No one can question this decision or policy.
7. No twitch streaming or anything allowed except TV channels can only broadcast Kim's SC victories over noob players who are 24/7 trained to lose royally against Kim.

Sent from my Redmi Note 3 using Tapatalk


Killing Machine
Anyone pre-ordered this? Any idea if there is going to be a physical release of this game? I'd take a physical always for Blizzard games if there was one.

EDIT: This is really unfair. Just found out that Koreans have a regional exclusive collectors edition with lots of goodies.


Korean players will be able to purchase SC:R Complete Pack in a physical copy for 29,800 KRW (approx. 25 USD).

Complete Pack will contain:

  • Exclusive postcards
  • Game manual
  • Mousepad
  • Codes for 3 Heroes of the Storm Heroes
  • World of Warcraft Lil' XT pet
  • 7 Hearthstone Original card packs
Korean internet cafes will have early access to the remastered edition from July 30th (KST) along with premium benefits for cafes including localized leaderboards and faster level gain for cosmetics.

Why does it have to be an exclusive for a region?!? Makes no sense from a sales point of view as well as making other Blizzard fans unhappy. Sure, they played a major role in the success of the game but this is BS.


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