Religion, do we really need it ?

Religion, do we really need it ?

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Staff member
Dec 8, 2006
God is a recent prolem, religion was knowledge the earliest oral traditions being converted to written word. God, faith, belief etc are all relatively recent additions to religion, and only a small aspect of it, religious texts were the only source of history and geography at their time, and all religions stress on studying, so its not really that diff from science, or logic
Kapila, the first of the saptarishis, the earliest known Indian whose philosophies survive was an atheist

You are confusing religion here.


Aug 26, 2006
God is a recent prolem, religion was knowledge the earliest oral traditions being converted to written word. God, faith, belief etc are all relatively recent additions to religion, and only a small aspect of it, religious texts were the only source of history and geography at their time, and all religions stress on studying, so its not really that diff from science, or logic
Kapila, the first of the saptarishis, the earliest known Indian whose philosophies survive was an atheist

I can agree on that too, Religion is nothing more then a guidelines for how to live your life.. which was passed by Generation to generation.

Many rituals in religions can not be understood in current time but when you take that and travel back in time(Imagination:lol:) then you may understand it, might be it was said before electricity or before any other knowledge of science or with different live styles


Steam High Templar
Jan 4, 2012
IMO we do not need any religion only creates discrimination among the humans its better to live as one rather than different people from different religion

people use religion to create discrimination towards people of other faiths.religion was not made to create discrimination.nearly all religions tell us to love each other


Staff member
Nov 12, 2009
Its the current generation which is discriminating on the basis of religion, otherwise it was never an issue.


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
Jun 19, 2007
I don't think so. There was never ever any serious issue(s) in old times as compared to now.

That's not true. In medieval times there were problems like Sati, Child Marriage, Lack of Female education, Untouchability, and all that. Then the moronic Hindu-Muslim fights, Crusades, Auranzeb's opression of Sikhs and what not. Currently it is a LOT better
Kaliyug and all? They are just stories. Every age, man has lived is "Kaliyug" in any case.


Staff member
Nov 12, 2009
That's not true. In medieval times there were problems like Sati, Child Marriage, Lack of Female education, Untouchability, and all that. Then the moronic Hindu-Muslim fights, Crusades, Auranzeb's opression of Sikhs and what not. Currently it is a LOT better
Kaliyug and all? They are just stories. Every age, man has lived is "Kaliyug" in any case.

Sati, Child marriage, Lack of female education, untouchabiliy and all that are not at all religious problems. Rather they were social problems which existed (partially existing) in Hinduism, now spread to other religions also.

Hindu Muslim fights was just any greedy man's invasion, just a coincidence that it was between Hindus Vs Muslims (it was actually b/w India and central-east Asia). I agree with Auranzeb's oppression of Sikh (and every other damn religion), but don't persons like him exist in every period of time? And kaliyug is full of them. And kaliyug is not just a story, its in front of us.


Staff member
Dec 8, 2006
I don't think so. There was never ever any serious issue(s) in old times as compared to now. Its "kaliyug" and will be doomed.

No, it is not kaliyug in literal sense. It's what you make out of it.


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
Jun 19, 2007
Sati, Child marriage, Lack of female education, untouchabiliy and all that are not at all religious problems. Rather they were social problems which existed (partially existing) in Hinduism, now spread to other religions also.
These social problems existed as a consequence (partly or fully) of religious and cultural beliefs.


Staff member
Nov 12, 2009
These social problems existed as a consequence of religious and cultural beliefs.

But they weren't due to inter-religious issues. Intra-religious issues are there in every religion, that's due to cramped & orthodox thinking of some moral dictators.


Sami Hyypiä, LFC legend
Jun 19, 2007
Religion is not just about inter-religious issue, is it? We can't ignore the issues within a religion. For me this makes religion and customs and traditions even more worthless and more of pain than gain for humanity. (Mind you there are good things like Spirituality, (true)Morality, among other things but unfortunately bad things drowns the good points).


Sith Lord
Staff member
Oct 10, 2008
Yea some forms of religion is BS but all that stuff is easy to filter out we need the wisdom of religion always and religion should reinvent and reform itself periodically.
Thats all recent tho- past 800-1200 years.. these prolems were universal - and these prolems came about because of war. Even in recent history (alexandr's) time - peasants were not attacked and land was not destroyed during war and farmers could farm alongside soldiers who faught without fear of pillage. Fortunately this is behind us now. The prolems are leftover from that time. (till wwii)
used to be a mega-skeptic of religion, eated all richard dawkins books, then started reading the stuff first hand and there was just so much more than dogma in there - even the bits tht dont make sense they are all short and easy to consume sort of like really good microblogs
Hinduism was not so erm... mystical... for the most part of its existence. even now there are some ancient knowledge passed on only in oral form - or from practice. yoga, or samkhya and even plain old logic (nyaya) were the predominant schools of thought. NOne of these suffer from any hangups about belief, or prayer


Staff member
Nov 12, 2009
I agree that issues within a religion can't be ignored. But IMO moral police are more responsible than any religion. Its those sucker people who mend the things according to them, and they'll continue to do even if there is nothing called religion, dividing society on some other criteria.


Cyborg Agent
Mar 1, 2007
God is a recent prolem, religion was knowledge the earliest oral traditions being converted to written word. God, faith, belief etc are all relatively recent additions to religion, and only a small aspect of it, religious texts were the only source of history and geography at their time, and all religions stress on studying, so its not really that diff from science, or logic
Kapila, the first of the saptarishis, the earliest known Indian whose philosophies survive was an atheist

Srinivasa ramanujam was theist .Vivekanada was a great philospher who believed in hinduism.God has meaning relative to religion and not a recent addition
you say nothing greater then feeding hungry people and no one asks what religion you are of, then why do you need religion? you just need humanity.. you don't feed because of religion but because of humanity..

Humanity is answer to all this, not religion

You fail to understand that Religion is form of humanity.You put money in temple.They feed ppl in prasadams.Isnt that humanity?

Religion is not just about inter-religious issue, is it? We can't ignore the issues within a religion. For me this makes religion and customs and traditions even more worthless and more of pain than gain for humanity. (Mind you there are good things like Spirituality, (true)Morality, among other things but unfortunately bad things drowns the good points).

yes you need to extract the good out of religion instead of being atheist n living in bliss.

I can agree on that too, Religion is nothing more then a guidelines for how to live your life.. which was passed by Generation to generation.

Many rituals in religions can not be understood in current time but when you take that and travel back in time(Imagination:lol:) then you may understand it, might be it was said before electricity or before any other knowledge of science or with different live styles

Religion is not a guidline how to live.Instead think of it as an encyclopedia of life.Religious text like Bhagvat gita teaches you morals of living and many other aspects.Vedas are huge source of information.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Nov 7, 2011
Religious text like Bhagvat gita teaches you morals of living and many other aspects.Vedas are huge source of information.
interesting!which religion are you referring to because bhagwat gita & vedas are older than the origin of term "hindu" & there is no concrete evidence that vedic culture follows any of the known religion currently.unless more is known about vedic culture it is better to leave it out of religious debates.


You gave been GXified
Jan 16, 2007
For centuries, religion has been a great method to unify people. Think of the time when humans used to live in tribes. All tribes used to fight each other over land, resources etc but when the concept of Gods or religion came into existence, these people unified under the name of religion whether it was Christianity, Greek Pantheon or Nordic Gods.

Also, religion has been a great tool to control un-educated people in the name of what will happen after death. Since they don't know what will happen to them after death, they think they should do as their religion dictates so as to have a better afterlife on which they have no control. They only have control over their existing life.

Besides, it is always easy to blame God for something. If some year rain did not happen on time, you could blame the God and say "They are angry". Similarly, if you fail in an exam you can say "God wasn't with me" etc etc. When was the last time you said "It was God's will due to which I topped all over India in an exam and not my hard work" :p

Today, with science and education and "reason for something happening", people are forgetting religion which I think is a good move for humanity as a species.

To proceed further we need evolution and scientific discoveries and not belief in someone sitting in the clouds who will punish you if you do some sin, but he loves you. :p

Also, the worst thing is to mold a religion according to yourself. If people say that they follow Bible or Geeta or Veda, than why do they modify some rules written there? For example, it is written in Geeta that during fast, you are not supposed to eat anything for 24 hrs in a day. This actually has a scientific meaning as due to this you digest all the undigested food and cleanse your body of impurities completely. However, peple still say eating fruits etc is permitted. I ask where???

Just cos some rules are not convenient, people mold or change it. If they do it, they are not following religion properly. If you say you are following the book than follow the book properly without any modification to the rules.

Those religious texts were written thousands of years ago for that society. Is it still applicable? Humanity has changed so the rules of those book and teachings don't apply today. People need to understand this. No religion or book in this world tells to kill in the name of God. People still kill in the name of God which makes me believe they don't follow any religion and are doing this just for their personal gains and covering it with the name of religion.

Have a look at entire history of humanity. Economy has driven and influenced religion everywhere.

In the end, True God and religion in this world, in my opinion, are your parents. They bought you to this world. They raised you and gave you resources to be what you are today and not any imaginary guy sitting in the sky. (we know there is no one in the sky. It is empty space). If you want to have faith in someone or worship someone, go do it to your parents. There is nothing bigger than them in this world.

P.S - Off topic, but once I met father of one of my friend. He is a pretty rich businessman. So this one time we were talking about him donating to some NGO of his son's friend for educating kids. This was an actually genuine NGO and not some fake one for tax benefit or making money. My friend's dad refused saying it is fake and he doesn't want to waste his money.

Next month, he did a jagrata which I think cost over Rs 20 lakh. Although a person is entitled to spend his hard earned money the way he wants, but I found his this act stupid and I no longer respect him. It was better to educate some poor slum kids than wasting money on rituals of an imaginary god.
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