Religion, do we really need it ?

Religion, do we really need it ?

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Destroy Erase Improve
Staff member
Casteism derives from misinterpretation of the scriptures or difference of opinion of a person. So, where there is religion, there will always be casteism (or sect, denomination, cult, etc. or another equivalent).


I am a cat
TIL A Sikh must "defend the rights of all who are wrongfully oppressed or persecuted irrespective of religion, colour, caste or creed." : todayilearned


Staff member
^^there is nothing new there, its foundation lied on rage against the oppression of people of India during mughal period.


Wise Old Owl
i agree with funskar.those castes errrrrrrr...what religion teaches us is to live in peace and love everybody.''loka samstha sukhino bahvanthu"if u get the idea of peace and love and you apply it in realtime,you wont be needing any religion,except for maybe those "spiritual cravings".


Lost in speed
We need to trust something/someone and give us confidence in matters that we do.
Wise named that thing as GOD and others split him to their wishes.

As to me, GOD is some GOOD.OLD.DUDE who did nice things.


In the zone
I believe its not a necessity and I certainly don't need it. Always been an atheist and it hasn't screwed up my moral values. I don't need to hear false made up stories of kindness and good deeds written in some book to cultivate moral values. It should come from within. If you don't understand right from wrong, I don't think religion can help. I don't feel the need to believe in some imaginary being who doesn't exist to draw upon strength in desperate times either.

Religion has caused more deaths and massacres in history than anything else. Religion divides people and encourage them to shun away from those that don't believe in your ideals. Yes, religion doesn't do any of this on its own but it does influence people do this and thus is the reason for the problem in the first place.


Cyborg Agent
Religion is the biggest lie in the history of mankind. But the lie was told for a reason. To guide mankind.
But, on due course, as people traveled, practices changed according to their habitat and castes came into being based on the family living (job/work/business).

Today we are divided by race, country, religion, caste, language and what not. By trying to unite, we are simply creating another division.

Somewhat related: *


to guide us where? a world where women are treated like cattle? a place where a person cant even drink from a well? an earth where just being born wrong condems you to the worst kind of abuse since the slave-farming of the 17-18 th centuries?

religion has outlived its usefulness. time to mothball it for good.


Sith Lord
Staff member
Just want to say the same thing again. That reddit link totally proved what people think in this day and age, forget throughout the ages.
The alternative to a bad religion is a good religion, not no religion.


In the zone
to guide us where? a world where women are treated like cattle? a place where a person cant even drink from a well? an earth where just being born wrong condems you to the worst kind of abuse since the slave-farming of the 17-18 th centuries?

religion has outlived its usefulness. time to mothball it for good.



Sith Lord
Staff member
Moral sense theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
we feel our morals, we don't think them, that is the problem


Lost in speed
Religion is like a person in twitter.
If u like him/her, follow him/her.
Else, unfollow and do your work!

Oops. This may be offtopic. But just my thought!


Staff member
Religion is like a person in twitter.
If u like him/her, follow him/her.
Else, unfollow and do your work!

Oops. This may be offtopic. But just my thought!

Just slight correction. The followers may like to shove their religion on you.


Right off the assembly line
people use religion to create discrimination towards people of other faiths.religion was not made to create discrimination.nearly all religions tell us to love each other

The problem is both with some teachings of some religion and way they are being practiced. Faith is ok, is individualistic. Religion is when a large group has the same set of believes. Trouble come when some claim superiority of their religion...


Lost in speed
LOL .. its weird to see tech guys discussing religion...
Technology & Religion (that praises a god or god-like person) are like twin brothers.
If you know what happens behind a process, thats Technology. If not, people say that's because of God!
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