Refrain Command Prompt from Disappearing

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Windows basically execute run commands from within command prompt.
Every time you execute a command from windows run dialogue box
the command prompt just disappears. This method has it's own
advantage & disadvantage.

But, sometime we need to see the command output in command prompt window. But run dialouge box just don't allow us to do so.

Say, You have executed a command like ipconfig or systeminfo into run
dialogue box. But after executing this command the command prompt
will just quit without showing you any result.

But if you need to see the output of that command that you give in
run dialogue box you have to refrain command prompt from disappearing.

So, Here is the trick for Refrain Command Prompt from Disappearing :D

Just add cmd /k before you type in any command into run dialogue box.
For example :

cmd /k ipconfig
cmd /k systeminfo

Source : My Blog :D


Broken In
thanks for shairng.....but i think it is due to virus ur cmd window will hide...
the virus called brontok acts smilarly..dnt know much..just sharing my thought.....



Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ That's not anything related to the virus. It's just windows default behavior. :D
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