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Tech Geek said:
What animation can i keep in that???
any ideas

Something like....

Geek is inside the circle in first shot...then "inside" text will flash-in into it making it more styled... ;-)

@sumeet: 9/10 for dancing "S"! Good animation. Did u do it urself or copied?
piyush gupta

piyush gupta

Cyborg Agent
koolbluez said:
That's what i meant too... just missed @$$ by an e. Never said u wrote @r$e.

ohh ab samajh mein aaya what u was saying:D


its pointing towards de garbage can. ha ha.. its pointing towards my rep.
anyway have fun. and yes tnx for those 8pts.

Ya ur rep which is increasing so rapidly
8/10 for Think Smart Think Global

Think Kiran Think Digit
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 Macboy
8/10 at least. Maybe if the background (white) were transparent...

@Kiran: no offense dude, my real intention was to start an argument of sorts. turns out I failed...No fun in fighting in the fight club...


Šupər♂ - 超人
I tried transparent, Goobi... but some frames r displayed @ the same time then... makin the pic bad.
Dunno whats wrong... can u try it on ur side :D
U just've to magic erase the white in Imageready.
Phulease... mayb any of ur methods'll work...


goobimama said:
@Kiran: no offense dude, my real intention was to start an argument of sorts. turns out I failed...No fun in fighting in the fight club...

You wanted to start argument? Haha...dude I would have definetly started it. But I was in a good mood that time! :D Anyway...why no fun in fight club??? There are many fighters here..right? ;)
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