Rapidshare Software

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Cyborg Agent
Well i dont think this piece of software is illegal. I hacve been searching for something like this for days. I cant post the source, since the source of the info is illegal.

anyways, for downloading large files which are split in multiple parts or rapidshare does not allow dl more than 50MB file per hour, well this software helps in that context. Just copy paste the linx and it will download each file after every hour automatically. Well the creator says it also worx on megaupload, mytempdir also, but i havent tried it on them.

PS: i m very bad at explaining, so sorry if u didnt understood.

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Choto Cheeta

shwetanshu said:
Well i dont think this piece of software is illegal

mate... rapidshare Free account dont support download manager... because they give this feature only to the paid users... so going around it is illegal...

but hey thats my personal view... lets see what the mods think... but keep ur fingure cross for this thread....


Rapidshare Doesnt allow its Free users to download more than 50MB/hour and anything done to fiddle around with that is illegal.

As a result the thread was locked.

Apologies for the late clarification but I dont think it needed any explanation since the thread starter Shwetanshu already knew that its illegal.
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