Railway nuisance

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In search of light...
may be following should have gone to the chit-chat section. however this is nothing less than news...

last monday i boarded the guwahati-bangalore express from guwahati as i went to shillong to bring my pc to b'lore. when i booked my ticket the man at the counter told me that i can carry a weight of 50 kg with me. i thought it was okay as the maximum weight of my bulky machine including my other luggage was almost 30 kg or less. so i went. when i passed the metal detector in the guwahati station, the guards asked me for papers which i did not have as my pc is almost two years old (anyways assembled). they let me go thru. however, almost immediately after i boarded the trian, some cops came by and asked me for papers. i told them that i did not have them and they asked me go with them. i had to follow as i was travelling alone. one of them took me near the toilet and asked me to give 100 bucks. i did not have time to negotiate as the train was leaving and i had to pay the coolie. after sometime i dozed off. suddenly near NJP station, i felt someone poking me. i saw it was a TT. he also asked me about the computer and i explained. he took out his pen and paper and calcualted a charge of more than 2000/-!! i said it was personel but he insited on giving him money and managed 200 from me. though he helped me by saying to put the monitor's carton in the upper corner and to cover it by something and so i did (wish i had done it before!). the worst thing is that this bribings, which i could not avoid, left me with very little money as i did not carry much money. the most stupid thing did (or did not) was i did not note the names of the corrupted officers. luckily, i did not met any other of this'kind'.


The Mighty Unkel!!!
Staff member
Here is the allowed Luggage limit
Check RULES FOR LUGGAGEfor the details.

1. Always keep the original bill (if possible) for the computer when travelling.
2. Know the weight restrictions of the compartment/class you will be travelling in.
3. Weigh you system in the luggage counter and get the receipt by paying a small fee. This will be the proof for the weight of your computer and hence TT cannot claim the weight is above limit.

Keep these three in mind and you wont getinto trouble .
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