Purchasing a new mobile

Pranav Prakash

Broken In
Please help guys. I need to know about any phone in the market which has great app support such as in android, like they have dolphin browser nd several others which makes it comparable to a small pc. That is it should have good web browsing,multimedia capability with flash support, touch screen with excellent screen quality of 3.5 inches or above,smartphone(any os), gpu, good camera with autofocus(8 MP or above), . Also i m using 3g nd had heard about phone boasting 21 mbps speed. Are they worth noticing. Should i wait for new phones or should i get my hands on N8. Please mention the price of phones.
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Post your query in questionnaire format. Look at the sticky thread for format. You've posted no budget, uses, req.
Pranav Prakash

Pranav Prakash

Broken In
how do i post in questionnaire format? Nd i had mentioned my req. Of having full flash capabilities on web, great app support, excellent camera nd budget upto rs 35, 000


I think u must visit the this post HTC Desire HD or Incredible S or any other

And don't go for N8,I have used it,it has very slow processing and also it hangs a lot.the only thing which is good in it is its camera and FM transmitter.


U hv 35k to spend nd u want n8. Y. Wait for some dual core stuff sgs2, atrix, optimus 2x nd the rumored htc pyramid(rumored to come with icecream. Useful coz it will be able to utilize extra power of 2nd core)


how do i post in questionnaire format? Nd i had mentioned my req. Of having full flash capabilities on web, great app support, excellent camera nd budget upto rs 35, 000

Here fill this up: *www.thinkdigit.com/forum/mobile-monsters/134349-questionnaire-mobile-phone-purchase-queries.html


Retired Forum Mod
only 1 name comes to mind: SAMSUNG GALAXY S2. fill the template or skip it, nothing gets better than this. wait. 35k is a huge amount to be spend on a device that gets replaced every 8-12months.