Problem with dos base scandisk and get dir0000 and file0.chk

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My dear all friends

My friend is facing proble in it' D: Drive ...!!

when i scandisk through win98 startup disk and it give me errer it's fat table is not proper and it give errer that fit it..!!

so i fix all that errer and after boot in win98 then i see in D: drive thall

all Dir is rename in Dir0001,Dir0002,......!!
:shock: :shock: :shock:

and all file rename in File0001.chk,File0002.chk,.....!!!

:shock: :shock: :shock:

so all data which is very important is lost..!!!
:evil: :evil: :evil:

and in C: drive File0001._dd,File0002._dd,....!!

files r ther ..!!

so what is all files *.CHK and *._dd what is use of that ..!!

how it's happend and how can i recover my data...!!


Broken In
Seems to be a problem with your Drive. If you get these error everytime you run a Scandisk, it means that a few sectors of your drive are damaged.

Time to change it.

Anyways, when a machine doesn't close down properly, some files get lost and the machine saves these files as file000.chk files and are numbered 0001,0002, etc.These can be deleted. You will find these in the C: directory.
Another way to find these is through the Find dialog box. Press F3 while you are on the desktop and type in *.chk by the box that says Find. It will find all of the filecheck files and you can delete them from here.

Im not sure about the ._dd, but if you have Norton Disk Doctor installed, then its the recovered file by the program.



U r right..!!

but i chick it my drive do not have any bad sector..!!

yes some problem with FAT32 Table that i agree with u..!!

but because of this when i scandisk through dos base..!!

my friend's ALL ALL Data File and Dir all concert in Dir0001 and *.CHK files

I mean ALL...!!

so all data r imortant..!!

i try some of that file like photo (*.JPG) to rename *.CHK to *.JPG then it

will Open In Explorer..!!

i see some his photos..!!

but how can i recovery 15 GB of Data..!!

now i can to try any recovery software becoz all FAT32 Table is also chage..!!

so how can i convet back to *.chk fole to orignal Extancan...??



Thanks Again...!@!


The Photoshop Guy
try to run nortorn disk doctor or partition magic they both fix the partion table...
..: peace :..
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