Problem in whatsapp - pc like - what to do?

to all of you.
I am facing a very strange problem with my phone, today I connected my Note-4 with pc and open the whatsapp folder of the Internal storage of my phone in my pc's explorer, actually I tried to copy some of the old video files from the WhatsApp Video folder to my pc to free storage on my phone, but strange has happened when I copy the files from phone to pc, on phone it shows the same file name with different size and plays different video but on pc it shows the different size and plays the different video, I do it many times and always it shows different sizes and different playbacks with the same file name, you know this remembers me the old days(even today It happens) when some files cross-linked with other files and upon copying it changes, now I don't know How to tackle this situation? all the files are very important and Is there some utility that can check the Internal Storage structure of the phone? one more thing that I want to add here, If I copy the files from Internal Storage to Sd Card then everything comes fine.Hope you understand my question and Please reply.
Thank You.


Always do that, don't use phone when connected to computer..
Only if you use MTP connection mode, then nothing will happen to internal storage.
Try to move app to sd card and again back to phone memory.
And try again the same thing you mentioned.