problem in logging into Dataone usage A/c portal

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Broken In
I've noticed that since couple of days I cannot log into the Dataone Broadband usage Account Portal ( or ( Whenever I open the portal page, Service Check page does not open even after clicking & logging by submitting my user id & PW. Yes, I'm trying to visit that page thru IE7. Has my IE7 browser went thru any changes in config. as I didn't do anything in these days and hence, I'm confused. Would you please give me any suggestion to resolve it?


Ambassador of Buzz
dataone portal is giving too much trouble these days. the only option left is to wait for sometime,untill the portal is fixed or to use softwares such as dataone usage finder from shaplus.


Broken In
Oh! I'm grateful for your valued suggestion and also for the tools that is intended in case of such mishaps. Thanks to you all, guys...!
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