Priviliges problems in Windows 7


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I am having a few problems with my Windows installation.

1. I have a genuine Win 7(HP) OS. My 500 GB Hard Drive has been partitioned into 5 parts. Initially it only came with 2 partitions, then using the software " Partition Wizard " I further partitioned it into 3 parts.
Now recently I reinstalled my OS due to a software issue. When the re-installation was completed, I found that all my HDD partitions had their drive letters reassigned (except the C: partition). For eg. the partition with drive letter G earlier was reassigned drive letter F. I don't know how that happened. Else everything went fine the first day. I made all the Windows update that was necessary.
Then later while accessing a few folders in my partitioned drives, I received a pop up that " You don't currently have permission to access this folder. Click continue to permanently get access to this folder ". There were many folders which showed this pop up. Then I had to manually take permission for each folder. Also there are 1 or 2 folders which if I try to access, my windows hags up and becomes unresponsive. Then I have to switch it off from the main switch and restart it again.
I have tried running the " chkdsk " option using cmd prompt but it again says that " Access denied as you do not have sufficient privileges ". I have even checked for any hardware errors, but none were found.

2. Windows media player and K-lite media pack is not working on my system. Whenever I try to play any Video/song through these players, my Windows hangs up and then becomes unresponsive. Then again I have to forcefully shut down my PC though the main switch and then restart it again. Although VLC player is working fine. Everything plays in it.

Please help me out on these issues asap.
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