Presenting, the first ever "Offend an Indian Politician Competition"


Broken In
Hello guys

As if their horrible leadership skills weren’t enough, Indian politicians have now started whining about their offended sensibilities.

If you like me have been disgusted by the unconstitutional arrest of the cartoonist Aseem Trivedi then show your anger towards Indian Politicians by spreading the word about this competition.

So here is the deal: Draw a cartoon , post it on this facebook page and if your cartoon gets the most likes by the end of 20th Of December 2012, you win $100 (So you don’t even have to worry about the Indian Rupee acting up)

Spread the word. This competition is open to people of all ages, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, nationality, caste and any other category that may have slipped my mind. Anyone and everyone can join in, Professionals and Amateurs, Photo-shoppers and MS-Painters. The idea is to offend as many Indian Politicians as you can.

This is the link to the facebook page:

Offend an Indian Politician Competition | Facebook

Don't forget to tell your friends!


King of my own Castle
With the commotion Aseem Trivedi faced over Sedition Law ,No thank you till the things get cleared a bit. I want to fight the constitutional freedom but with kids and family around i have a trepidation it will not last long.


Firecracker to the moon
Oh oh!
This might lead facebook to get banned in India.
As some people will think "FACEBOOK" made it