Pornographic websites to be blocked in India


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Extratorrent worked fine till yesterday and is blocked now

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Geek in making
Extratorrent worked fine till yesterday and is blocked now

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Working absolutely fine. Just added a movie to download.


Anything which leads to less crimes should be implemented,porn is considered to be a serious problem among youngsters.if it reduces the abuse.then why should we oppose it! also people who distribute it through cds or by internet cafes should be punished severely too

Porn doesn't causes rape, the mentality and lack of self control does. by that analogy, every weapon on the face of the earth should be banned because it'll kill somebody eventually. You shouldn't eat anything because to sustain your life, you're taking other organism's life.

If you're alive today, you'll be dead someday. then you should ban being alive so that you can't die.


you sir force me to dig deeper,and i hope i hurt noone's feelings in the we go,nowadays,whenever i see a couple around me sitting in a park,or in college etc,95% of them aren't in love,most of them are just infatuated and the rest are there for lust,neither of them care about each other's emotional well being,their sole purpose to be in a relationship is to 1)sex,2)posting pouted pictures together on FB and turning every friend's post's goddamn comment section into a "baby,i love you" challenge 4)many more reasons but hardly ever the feeling of dejection you talk about is not like you lost your love,it's like a kid who asked for a lolipop and got denied,our society have engrained this in our brain,that we are men and we will get everything we want,so when we don't get it,we throw acid on them,rape them and if you lack the courage to talk to girl and have a seriously ****ed up mind then you rape 3 year olds,i feel filthy already just by writing this,god help us all(even if i don't kinda believe in god,this line sounds kinda "peacy" so.........)

i was never never talking about porno in the above statement,i was talking to a guy who said it was the feeling of "dejection" or something else that leads to rapes,cos i know 75% of rapes happen in rural india and are done by people above 40 years of age who have never been exposed to porno

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when the society enables you to explore the sex world when you are turning adoloscent,opens up your mind and you are satisfied and you never look at a boy/girl and think about sex,whereas in indan society a natural thing like attraction or sex are viewed as TABOO,now i am gonna talk about sex in indian society since ancient times(not gonna talk about my religion,one thing i would like to clear,our religion absolutely shuns violence,hell it even shuns personal desires i mean like even wanting to eat a specific thing in dinner,any muslim who has more than average knowledge would agree)now on to indian society,see,during such times when there were no EMPIRES but were more like large tribes,which huge collaborated cities and towns,somtime directly between the onset of indus valley civiliztion to the 1600's indian society believed that women were equal to men,the elder lady had as much authority over the house as the elder man,even in gurukul they were given sexual education,that's why you see erotic sculptures at really old hindu temples,and kamasutra was a part of it,women and men dressed scantily and there was no "GHUNGHAT" and all that BS,suddenly some powerful men decided,the feeling of domination was too great and religious texts were misinterpreted knowingly to empower men and dispower women,and you know it doesn't matter if an india man keeps as many relationships but if his wife or sister has one he will most certainly kill her,these purdah,ghunghat,and sati and all that BS was created so men can have an open sexual life and they can control the women in their house,but now as society is evolvin all of this is changing,but men don't want to change with it,THAT'S WHAT CAUSES RAPE,EVERY indian boy as soon as he puts his eye on an even above average looking girl,in just a second he can perfectly visualize a hour long sex movie involving him and that girl,i can't say about girls(any girl here that would help?)so the thing is that WE ARE DESPARATE AND PERVERTS AND NOTHING IS GONNA STOP US TO DO RAPES UNTIL SOME INHUMAN PUNISHMENT IS IMPLEMENTED FOR RAPISTS AS WELL AS WOMAN ABUSERS BECAUSE THESE PEOPLE ARE THE IMPURITIES IN OUR GENE POOL


Wise Old Owl
Porn doesn't causes rape, the mentality and lack of self control does. by that analogy, every weapon on the face of the earth should be banned because it'll kill somebody eventually. You shouldn't eat anything because to sustain your life, you're taking other organism's life.

If you're alive today, you'll be dead someday. then you should ban being alive so that you can't die.

dont apply too much logic :mrgreen:


Wise Old Owl
our religion absolutely shuns violence,


THAT'S WHAT CAUSES RAPE,EVERY indian boy as soon as he puts his eye on an even above average looking girl,in just a second he can perfectly visualize a hour long sex movie involving him and that girl,i can't say about girls(any girl here that would help?)so the thing is that WE ARE DESPARATE AND PERVERTS AND NOTHING IS GONNA STOP US TO DO RAPES UNTIL SOME INHUMAN PUNISHMENT IS IMPLEMENTED FOR RAPISTS AS WELL AS WOMAN ABUSERS BECAUSE THESE PEOPLE ARE THE IMPURITIES IN OUR GENE POOL

completely agree


Super Moderator
Staff member
THAT'S WHAT CAUSES RAPE,EVERY indian boy as soon as he puts his eye on an even above average looking girl,in just a second he can perfectly visualize a hour long sex movie involving him and that girl,i can't say about girls(any girl here that would help?)so the thing is that WE ARE DESPARATE AND PERVERTS AND NOTHING IS GONNA STOP US TO DO RAPES UNTIL SOME INHUMAN PUNISHMENT IS IMPLEMENTED FOR RAPISTS AS WELL AS WOMAN ABUSERS BECAUSE THESE PEOPLE ARE THE IMPURITIES IN OUR GENE POOL
I'm not a girl, but girls also do that. I can confirm. But not for every random man.


Wise Old Owl
According to a new study by researchers at Ohio State University, the oft-cited statistic that men think about sex, on average, about once every seven seconds can safely be put to bed—in a college-age population of 163 mixed-gender respondents, the median frequency of sexual thoughts for men was just 19. Women, meanwhile, weren’t far behind at a median of 10 naughty thoughts per day.
Do Men Really Think About Sex More Often Than Women?


Wise Old Owl
That's a 3-year old statistics. Whatif the studies conducted after that, contradict the above report?

It might not be 100 % accurate ,maybe the scores vary ,like 19 for women and 10 for men .My point was that women do have thoughts related to sex.


Sith Lord
Staff member
Showing it to someone else, distributing on DC++, holding an event and screening it on a projector... like that. As long as you consume it on your device in private, it is not illegal.
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