Pie Dock.

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Think Zen.
Dec 11, 2005
Just stumbled upon this,
We all know of docks and recently 3d-docks thanks to apple and awn,
Here's something that quite different.
A PieDock.

You can even try how it feels like using, with this demo here


P.S: I havent tried it yet, but the demo looks like fun.


Juke Box Hero
Aug 18, 2007
Yes nice, I should try it soon, demo worked fine, thanks for the info.


is NOT a PC/Mac
Sep 10, 2006
Indeed a great one. I will surely try it in Ubuntu Gutsy all at once! :grin:

BTW great find too :)


NP : Crysis
Mar 10, 2007
uuh...how exactly are we supposed to run this thing? i dl'ed and extracted...what now? i'm getting C/C++ files (.cpp and .h)


Think Zen.
Dec 11, 2005
^Compile it genius :p
If you've saw the site it has instructions there,
  1. Be sure your system meets the above requirements
  2. Download tarball above
  3. Unpack tarball:
    $ tar xjvf PieDock-x.x.x.tar.bz2
  4. Change into the new directory "PieDock" and compile it:
    $ cd PieDock
    $ make
  5. Place the executable somewhere in your path, i.e. for a local install try: $ mv PieDock ~/bin/ Or, if you want to make the program available for all users, do this as root: $ mv PieDock /usr/local/bin/
  6. Now you need to set up your configuration, see below
  1. At first, find some high resolution icons (approx. 128x128 Pixels) in PNG format you like. I'd recommend those places:
    • *tango.freedesktop.org/Tango_Desktop_Project
    • *www.kde-look.org
    • *www.deviantart.com
    • *www.pixelgirlpresents.com
    • *www.iconfactory.com
    • *interfacelift.com
    • *www.crystalxp.net
    You may use GIMP to convert XP icons; OS X icons can be converted by gthumb or ImageMagick.
  2. Create a directory named ".PieDock" in your home directory: $ mkdir ~/.PieDock
  3. Place all your PNG icons into this directory
  4. Create a ".PieDockrc" configuration file in your home directory; you may use the enclosed "res/PieDockrc.sample" as template: $ cp res/PieDockrc.sample ~/.PieDockrc
  5. Edit ".PieDockrc" to meet your requirements. The format of the file is very simple: Each line begins with a statement and continues with space-seperated arguments to this statement. If an argument has spaces, it must be enclosed in quotes, just like you do on the command line. There are only two statements that are important: sticky and alias.

    Use the sticky statement to specify persistent icons in the menu. Normally an icon would only appear if there is a corresponding window. sticky icons do always appear. The statement accepts two arguments: the name of the application (which must also be the name of the icon in "~/.PieDock/") and, optionally, a string to launch the application if the first argument isn't enough to do that (i.e. a path is required or you want to give some arguments).

    The alias directive allows you to recognize windows that do not give the correct name of their corresponding executable. Every application window in X11 should have a resource with it's name in it (the so-called class hints for the interested). Unfortunately, this name may differ from the name of the executable which is where alias comes in. alias accepts two arguments: a string for recognition and the true name of the executable. The recognition string may be prefixed by another argument (either name, class or title) to specifiy the property which the string is checked against.

    There is a "utils" subdirectory in the source directory which contains a helpful utitlity to find the right settings. Just change into this directory and compile it: $ cd utils
    $ make After that, you can do: $ ./PieDockUtils -l A list of all open windows with their properties will be displayed. Now you can use those values (always prefer the class or name property) to set up aliases for windows which doesn't get recognized the right way.

    If you have some unused button on your mouse, I suggest you specify its number to the trigger button directive like this: trigger button (number of mouse button) You may find the right number by using the xev utitlity. Then you can open the pie menu by clicking that button.
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