pendrive shows 'shortcut' on opening


Broken In
Hi guys,
I'm using Lenovo E49 laptop with win7 ult 32-bit. Whenever I connect any pendrive and open it, it shows a 'Pendrive (XX GB) shortcut (xx bytes)' instead of the files in it. This also happaned when I inserted my SD card in the slot. This started happening a few weeks ago. Is this a virus ? I'm using the version of avast. Please help. Thanks.


1. open cmd.exe as admin
2. if your pendrive is say, G: drive, then enter G: in the cmd window.
3. enter the following command to unhide the files
attrib -r -a -s -h /s /d
4. update Avast definitions and program (latest is Version 9 I guess) and if possible scan the laptop using a bitdefender live CD.


Q.C Passed. Tested. OK
Yup. Its a virus. U still can access the files though by providing the absolute path of the files / folders in the address bar. If you don't wanna lose your files, best bet is to use the pendrive on a Linux based system and copy the files to a safe location and then format the pen drive & scan your PC for viruses on Win.

And for heavens sake, disable the AutoPlay feature in Windows. Its one of the shittiest and most annoying features I've seen. Its one of the main reasons a virus automatically creeps into your PC as soon as you plug in a removable media.


hey I think it isnt virus !!
which AV you have?
I have avira!
once I was trying autorun.inf(created by me) file it shows me Avira has blocked autorun which may be a malicious file.
so the shortcut was created to prevent autorun...However may be I am wrong.
PS:- that PD was new...