Pen Drive Partitioning


Right off the assembly line

I am actually interested in Partitioning my 16 GB Pen drive and the reason for it is that my car media does not recognise a Pen drive which is more than 4 GB.

Now can I make 4 Primary Partition of 4 GB each and then fool the car media system to see it as 4GB Pen drive instead of 16 GB. I did partitioning through Easeus Partitioning but the problem is that I only see 4 GB in Windows Explorer.

I would like to see how my car media behaves if I can break the 16 GB into 4 Primary Partitions of 4GB each and then load 16 GB worth of songs provided my Windows can recognise it.

Any help in this regards would be highly appreciated



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in one simple word answer is can not load 16gb of songs on a hardware player(car or anything else) which can recognize 4gb drive max.