pc slows down during boot!!

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Broken In
MY NET SUXX(mtnl broadband)
hi friends
dis is my second thread on the same damn problem
my pc suddenly slows down very much during boot when the Xp screen is shown and the three lines which move in a bar go very slow!
i tried all types of regcleaners and dfrags . they show that some of the problems have been solved but i think the problem will repeat
after the probem occurs i have to boot my pc 3 to 4 times and then it works fine.
Can any 1 help me?\


Flying Visitor
check this link:


HELL is FULL,So Iam Back
I Case of Xp this only Occurs if the system is not some occasionally maintained
You can manually do it
.....START-> RUN
.....Type msconfig
.....Under boot minimize the boot wait time to 3sec[min]
.....Under Start-up disable unnecessary start-up like messengers etc

There is also one more thing you can do
.....START-> RUN
.....Type services.msc
.....You can disable services that are not required
.....Turn Automatic update to manual [Saves a lot of startup time]

P.S : Never Use Regcleaner tools as they can even wipe out some of system reg files too. They can cause slow down or even crash and failure
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