PC Gaming - What,How?


Re: PC Gaming - How they are made ?

Phew!, This is a huge topic my friend, involves dozens of stages and what not, however here is a very brief overview of how it is done in big studios.

1. The idea of the game is cooked by brainstorming between the staff, this is starting stage where the viability of the game is discussed.

2. The story is fleshed out.

3. The GDD ( Game Design Document ) is prepared by the creative team, this doocument highlights the the design, structure, flow of the game, art etc all non tech stuff is discussed.

4. The TDD ( Technical Design Document ), this piece of work highlights the tech stuff required to make the game possible, ex engine used, scripting, programming of gameplay etc. The GDD and TDD team work very closely with each other.

5. The game is now developed, the art department creates models, textures, levels, sound and all kinds of stuff. The technical department fits all this in the core gameplay.

6. Game is tested.

7. Verified for release and then published.

Don't be fooled, this description is a very tiny description of Game devolopment, try searching on Wikipedia for this topic or go visit websites like
Gamesutra, IGN etc...:-o


Broken In
i put my hobby as pc gaming for my interview. so i m sure i ll get questions based on gaming....all i know is playing....


Super Moderator
Staff member
Go through these links:

OpenGL - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Simple DirectMedia Layer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
DirectX - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^^Lisp is another important language used.
Lisp is dead now, imho.

The only software written in Lisp which I use is, emacs. Pretty much non-existant everywhere else except AI.

Some people might be using it. Important? surely NOT. :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
^ yup, I know of it. tbh, people have pretty much moved onto Tcl + C for that.

My IRC bot for example, is written in Tcl + C. I've tweaked it, gives some immensely funny replies. Learns stuff over the time too. :p


Hmm.. I didn't knew that.... ( TCL+C ) ... Thanks for the update......

So ..... "Hey RahulB you don't know Lisp is dead".... :)) :)) :))


Living to Play
Its a real vast area. Story, animation, designing, graphis, sound effects and what not. In a gist its kind of complicated and thats why there are teams which consists of fellas from different fields working together to create a marvel.


^^ given you can understand and effectively use the arcane syntax :p
parentheses, parentheses everywhere!!

^ yup, I know of it. tbh, people have pretty much moved onto Tcl + C for that.

My IRC bot for example, is written in Tcl + C. I've tweaked it, gives some immensely funny replies. Learns stuff over the time too. :p

best be careful in the chatroom, his bot gives some insanely crazy replies


Btw which topic you want. Programming/art/design/animation/testing/physics/ai/ etc....... Its a vast area.
Wikipedia will be helpful.

OK a simple method. search "video games" on wikipedia . There you will find all topics (history , generations , plateforms , genre , blah blah.....)
Go as much deep as you can;-)
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