orkut not opening

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Broken In
all google sites are not opening in my system... I think there is a problem with my internet connection. i have Home 750 plan from BSNL... Plz suggest any remedy...


Broken In
all google sites are not opening in my system... I think there is a problem with my internet connection. i have Home 750 plan from BSNL... Plz suggest any remedy...

there is prob with yahoo, google, etc with bsnl connection.

disable or uninstall ur firewall and all these will work.

i am also in search of a good firewall which allow these sites.


In the zone
All google sites require active x to open.
Please read here


Broken In
thanks rajat22 and mumble...
firewall parental control program blocked it.. now works fine..
now i enabled active x also.. thanks..


Broken In
for me, the problem is with yahoomail

when loggin in with usnam and pass, nothin happens, jus loops asking for usnam and pass again.

the problem is only with firefox, opera is ok with yahoo.

any fix?


Broken In
what ISP you were using...First of all check your firewall settings.. This creates lots of issues.. it blocks cookies of some sites... windows firewall also doin like this..


Broken In
what ISP you were using...First of all check your firewall settings.. This creates lots of issues.. it blocks cookies of some sites... windows firewall also doin like this..

im using bsnl, ve used sygate, mcafee, n even without firewall, but to no use at times, at times works fine.

even without firewall, now gmail not working in all the browsers. some plugin or runtime missing mayb. any suggestion? :(
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Broken In
some plugins dat you installed in your browser may temporarily disable your cookie... you said you tried with all browsers,, then you may 've 2 check internet options from control panel...
Please read here

this is for enabling active x...
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