Oracle / SQL

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Broken In
We have to practice SQL but not using Microsoft SQL server which I already have installed.

We have to practice using Oracle.

Can somebody please tell me which / what is the name of the software ( exact ) and if it can be downloaded legally from the net. I am using Win XP.

Awaiting your kind assistance .


I see right through you.
You can download it from the official Oracle site. For school work, Oracle 9i Personal should do. It's a large download though, about 3 CDs worth.

Remark : Oracle is *_incredibly_* difficult to install. It took me 3 or 4 attempts before I could get it working properly. Sometimes it just hung on me, and then I had those password problems.


Hey here is the aks
not really it is difficult to install but its time will also work i f u just press "next" button on every screen..i do this only everytimes..jsut when password management is shown then i cahnges password of scott user..e


CG Artist
Oracle 10i is the latest that I have heard.Also the queries are quite similar like MS SQL Server.But I think SQL is good and fast.But Oracle slows down the system.


Broken In
Thanks guys I did see the oracles website and I found some links , will review them tomorrow.


470 MB download for Windows! But yeah oracle is damn heavy on system. u can use mysql. Not much of difference. BUt u shud implement functions and procedure on oracle. I cudnt get them to work on mysql.


Coming back to life ..
For personal and academic use, Oracle provides a free version Oracle Xpress Edition. Its not a very big download and it will provide you with all the tools you need to learn Oracle Sql . ..


CG Artist
it_waaznt_me said:
For personal and academic use, Oracle provides a free version Oracle Xpress Edition. Its not a very big download and it will provide you with all the tools you need to learn Oracle Sql . ..
Which one to download Oracle 10g Express Edition or Oracle 10g Client Edition?


Broken In
Thanks for all the help, I am downloading the express version of 10g right now but even the complete one is available for free download.

CYa Guys


I see right through you.
I think you made the right choice. You'll probably be spared the horrors of full-blown installation.
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