Opera 9.23 released

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"The Gentleman"
lol... b4 seeing this thread 5 minutes back i installed opera on ubuntu.

thx for infomin.
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The Sexy Beast
i've recently switched full-time to opera coz of the ff cache problem in my power cut prone area.i'm loving it so far it's gr8 except for the flashblock thing i can't seem to get it work can someone help me


!! RecuZant By Birth !!
i think opera is more superior to other browser...
in my system i use both firefox and opera... but opera wins in all aspect in rendering the page fast and in response... but firefox is lazy .. but if opera start to develop addons like firefox.. i think opera has loads of chance to win in the browser world.. mmore over its small also.
opera runs good even in very low config systemm... thsta really good..

ok can anybody tell me wht changes where there in 9.23???


@ratedrsuperstar - Right click on the website and select Block Content... Choose the Flash Ads you want to block, and press Done...


Mangal Pandey

just hold on fellas 4 some more time, coz opera is going to release Peregrine (Opera 9.5) later this month, which is touted to be the fastest browser on the earth, with numerous new features not available on any other browser.


^Peregrine is Opera 10's code name, not 9.5

Opera 9.5 (Kestrel) and Opera 10 (Peregrine)

Opera Software is quite busy, actually that busy that two versions are coming. And not just on one platform, no the intention is to link many platforms together, meaning the desktop release will simultaneously come with the release for devices and mobiles. Currently Opera 9.5, code named Kestrel, is planned for a golden final release this year, while the first preview of Opera 10, code named Peregrine, will appear at the end of this year.



The Sexy Beast
i want to block all flash content and chose which should be watched.the problem in opera is that is the flash is not loaded completely i can't block it.whats the use of seeing god's second best creation in it's full glory and then blocking it:D

3rd day with opera hugely satisfied not going to ff before ff 3 releases.hope 9.5 comes with good addons and do away with the crisp feel.ff has a much softer feel
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