'Open' Linux phone by Trolltech

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18 Till I Die............
Trolltech, best known for development tools and Linux application stacks for phones and other mobile devices, will ship an "open" Linux-based phone in September. The "Greenphone" features a user-modifiable Linux OS, and is meant to jumpstart a third-party native application ecosystem for Linux-based mobile phones.
Read more here *www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS8030785497.html

Also, *www.linuxdevices.com/news/NS2577652026.html makes good reading.

This is a really good step in development of Linux phone. Phone has some quite decent specifications. Though it's not coming out to general public so soon.


Commander in Chief
It looks cool too, and what about the terminal ? :D

I wish they release several variants in time too, cause 1.3's gonna be outdated I think, pretty soon indeed.


Broken In
Ya Trolltech is doing a really good job with Linux in the embedded and handheld wireless Market. Because as you all know this is where eveything is heading, handheld devices are the next big thing and if you are not on the train you would lose out big time, ever heard about convergence.
For the record, at my workplace(i work in a wireless industry) we can have personal initiative's on saturdays, since me and some of my friend's are linux lovers we thought lets do something on embedded linux. So we started work on it, after some research we came across Qtopia (which is what is used in most linux based phones) and developed a small game on it.
We couldn't go all the way, since the market penetration is quite low for linux phones with no business enquires whatsoever. Anyways if there are any we be would we there to help.
And yes two of my friends recently bought Linux based phones (Motorola A780) so we can think of restarting our initiative.
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