Official Android discussion thread


Cyborg Agent
Thanks for the link bro, it says adaway was removed from play store for violation of some rule.!! So I assume adfree was also removed for the same reason.

Yeah, I think it was because Ads helped in Google's revenue and profit making, and so with these programs their profit took a 0.01% cut and they were not happy about it!!! :evil:
Here's an official explanation though:
Google takes harsh stance against ad-blocking apps, removes them from Play Store


Truth Seeker
Q: Is it possible to flash the boot from the android itself & not using PC?

It depends on what brand are you using. In Sony, you need flashtool(pc) to flash boot. But in Samsung,lg the boot can be flashed through cwm(phone) itself. Though I have no idea about other brands.


as Kratos
URGENT Whenever I connect Nexus 4. It does not connect and shows USB device not recognized on windows 8. By the way MTP is on as always.


Guys does anyone have any suggestions on a good app apart from google calendar which I can use to track what I'm doing each hour of the day?
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