norton antivirus def weekly updates ?????

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Asterisk enthusiast
i just want to know that
if all recent norton anti virus def weekly updetes contains the updates which r there in previous verson.
if this is true
* then why some times previous file size i bigger then the recent
* for eg say updates for third week of july is of 8.23mb where as frist week of september it was of about 8.1 mb
* the file size alway is around 8 Mb for last whole year for all weekly pdates.

actuly i am havin dailup connection at home so i download weekly intlenget updates files form norton website from my office broadband connection and update the antivir.
now i am havin weekly updates for last one and half year.
so i just want to know that do i hv to back up all of them or the recent one only.
this is my secondery backup other than my virdef folder of norton


Staff member
Weird. The most recent update, which I think I downloaded on Monday, for Norton Antivirus 2005, was less than one mb.
The very first LiveUpdate, which I did last week, was about 3-4mb and the next one was less in size.

You seem to be making large downloads for the past year. I've only got my internet restored last week and have done only two such security updates... so I'm a bit circumspect as to whether my security updates are incomplete or otherwise.


when u use live update, it only downloads the latest definitions i.e., the ones that you dont have yet...
but for intel. updates, it replaces the definitions (full details downloaded). so, not sure why u got the older file larger than the newer file...

Refer *

The latest file obtained for Intel. update should be enough for backup...



Asterisk enthusiast
hi apolo
wired indeed u r getting 1 mb vir def file

this october 14 update 8.88 mb


abhasbajpai said:
hi apolo
wired indeed u r getting 1 mb vir def file

this october 14 update 8.88 mb

Apollo is talking about LiveUpdate whearas you are talking about Intelligent Update...



Core i7 (nehalem) Owner
Yup guys there is a difference between LIVE UPDATE and INTELLIGENT UPDATE...
In LIVE UPDATE the updates are downloaded by ur NAV thru the Symantec server directly and installed onto ur system.
While, INTELLIGENT UPDATE have to be manually downloaded from the Symantec website... and these INTELLIGENT UPDATES are bigger files (around mostly 8Mb ones) compared to LIVE UPDATES wich vary in sizes from 1MB to 4-5MB.....:):)
For more info on INTELLIGENT UPDATE and LIVE UPDATE visit this--->

An extract of INTELLIGENT UPDATE section says this:
Who should use the Intelligent Updater
You are at extra risk of viruses and other threats if you:
Are a network administrators who is responsible for many computers
Have a fast connection
Use newsgroups .
You may want to use the Intelligent Updater. The extra protection may be worth manually downloading and installing definitions. The Intelligent Updater is updated daily.

Because the Intelligent Updater must be manually downloaded and run, it is a bit more difficult to use than LiveUpdate. The file that it downloads is also larger in size than the file that is downloaded by LiveUpdate.

SOURCE:Symantec website

Also check this page wich is an INTELLIGENT UPDATE page from the Symantec website.* You will have to click on the file name and Updats will be downloaded onto ur HDD and then u can install the updates. Also notice tat the size of files are huge..ranging from 8.88 MB to 11.68 MB

Hope ur problem has been solved abt the size of files tat ur downloading :)

Cheers n e-peace...
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