Nokia Backup Restore Query....

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Ambassador of Buzz
Hi Everyone,

I have Nokia N73ME. I have my messages stored in the phone memory. Yesterday when i tried to empty my Lifeblog entries I found out it deleted my messages also from my memory card!!!! I had approximately 1600 messages in my phone and about 700 got deleted!!! I had backup my data about 20 days ago which has approximately 1200 messages backup up. So if i restore the data from the backup file will i get back the 700 messages back? and also would i loose all new messages that are in my phone since my last backup? Please help.


Right off the assembly line
> So if i restore the data from the backup file will i get back the 700 messages back? and also would i loose all new messages that are in my phone since my last backup?

Sure the new message will be erased after a restore. You can try Noki at to extract the messages out of the backup file (.nbu, .nfb, .nfc or .arc) as vMessages (.vmg file) to copy the files to the phone via PC Suite.

The deleted messages are usually not in the backup file for MOST phones. Though there're some post on the net claiming there're some, there's no applicable method to recover them.
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