NOD32 problem

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Ta da !
I don't know what has happened,but my nod32 interface has become like this.The top green part has disappeared,and the butons have become black.Tried to reinstall,but in vain.Any help?


Ambassador of Buzz
Pirated NOD32 ? There was a fix some weeks before to remove some text, which a pirate group embedded on NOD32, if u use their product (pirated NOD32). So is this something of that sorts ?


Super Moderator
Staff member

I know that you are using Pirated NOD32 by looking at your Virus Signature Database Number.......Its 3 months old :D

So, what do you expect from a pirated software?? :D


Super Moderator
Staff member
^^ IMO, NOD32 and Kaspersky are way better than avast and AVG.....

But you can use avast. Its upto you....
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