No Windows Update Icon In the System Tray

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Naren Parker

Broken In
Hi guys

My rig's an AMD Athlon 64 3000+ MSI RS480-M2IL mobo with 120 GB SATA and 40 GB PATA hard drive and Liteon LH-20A1S SATA DVD-RW running Windows XP SP2 Pro

Of late, I am unable to see the Windows Update Notification Icon in the System Tray. I've set my preference as "Notify me but do not download and install" in the Automatic Updates Properties. But still I cant seem to be able to see the Yellow icon in the System Tray. Now that Autopatcher is gone :cry: , I feel that there is a need to get Automatic Updates running...The Automatic Updates and BITS services are running though....How do I get this yellow icon back in my system tray????

And one more thing, every time I log in I get the classic theme, instead of the theme of my choice. Tried using various utilities but still I need to apply my choice of themes every time I logon...even tried replacing uxtheme.dll but of no use. How can I control this behavior?

Please help

Thanks a dozen!


d icon appears in d system tray only when MS has sumthin whic it wants u to 2 upd8

if ur OS is up2d8 den it wont appear

u ca also access it from Start->Settings->control Panel->Automatic updates

Naren Parker

Broken In
Ok then I havent updated Office so atleast I should be shown the Office 2007 updates...atleast for that the yellow icon has to pop up on startup right?


when u open Automatic updatesthru Start->Settings->control Panel->Automatic updates

there is an option Offer updates again the I've previously hidden, click on it, ur update icon will re-appear in the system tray


strange :confused:

just hower ur mouse over d icon (dont click)

u will get a status message

c wat message it gives


Distinguished Member
you may have to repair automatic updates.
click *
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