Need to revamp my blog page.

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Broken In

Is there any graphic designer on the digit forums? Or do you happen to know any graphic / web designer? Actually, I happen to maintain a li'l blog of mine called Shayon's Labyrinth and I'd like to spruce up the looks a bit. I myself am not too good in designing and hence was wondering if someone could lend me out a helping hand.



is NOT a PC/Mac
The blog is pretty good in usability. I think your trying to attract attention through the tale of "Graphic Designer Needed" to trick people to open your blog.:mad:


Broken In
The blog is pretty good in usability. I think your trying to attract attention through the tale of "Graphic Designer Needed" to trick people to open your blog.:mad:

Thanks for the feedback. Trust me, I'm not posting here just so that people would visit my page. If you don't believe me then I'll tell you where the real problems are.


First and foremost, refer to the figure above, the main area of the blog has sharp corners at the top and rounded ones at the bottom. moreover, i'm not too impressed with the header that I have. And I'd also have liked the page to look a li'l more professional. There are a few more technical and design glitches that need to be taken care of. I hope, at least after this, you'd be convinced that I'm not playing a cheap trick to attract traffic to my page.

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