Need suggestions about buying Text Enrichment Software

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Debian Gnu/Linux User
i and my friends are discussed to buy a Text Enrichment Software to improve our Writing skills in English language..
we have searched and ended at the following softwares which have had pretty good feature..

we need help and suggestions on which one to buy ..

1. Whitesmoke
2. ClearEdits
3. Writers workbench

those softwares are practically useful for us.?


Legen-wait for it-dary!
I recommend you try them first, either with a trial version, or with a *cough*cough* version, and if you still like it, and if you still want to spend your money on it, and if you seriously think its worth it, buy it. Thats what I do for all softwares I have till now, except I skip the last three steps :)


I recommend you try them first, either with a trial version, or with a *cough*cough* version, and if you still like it, and if you still want to spend your money on it, and if you seriously think its worth it, buy it. Thats what I do for all softwares I have till now, except I skip the last three steps :)

3rd one.. i.e. "Writers Workbench" does not offered trial version..

See ^^ he said or *cough*cough* version
Anyway you just want to try it so it's ok
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