Need suggestion for cheap domain registration.

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Broken In

To build a school website, i want to use Wordpress. I need your suggestion about where i could find cheap domain registration. Also could anyone please point me to where i can get free and reliable hosting where i can run Wordpress and cpanel?


हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
Using them since past 12 months.
Got 5 domains and shared hosting.
Just renewed for next year and also ordered a VPS hosting from them.


In the zone
make sure that u get all the required services(later it may cost u) and their are no conditions attached...when u go for cheap....


Ambassador of Buzz
well if you are looking at india hosting provider who i think mostly resell hosting wont get the price that you consider to be cheap..even if it is cheapest in will still be expensive by western standards and considering its features...
check out site like

dont think that it is just a school project and one dont need so many features..becos if one can pay the same amount and get that many more is a no brainer not to go for it..


हॉर्न ओके प्लीज़
^yes, most of the Indian hosts are resellers of US based hosts. The real Indian hosts(with servers based in India) are crap. I have a personal experience, that most Indian datacenters are bunch of incompetent engineers, even if I ignore the cost factor.

With the Indian host that I dealt with(Cyquator, a part of Zee /Essar group), they gave some crap outdated versions of software. No cPanel, everything should be done by FTP. They give only 1 database, a petty amount of diskspace and transfer and a lot of frustrations.

Avoid hosting based in Indian datacenters at any cost, no matter how professional their website looks or how good clothes their employess wear. All are a piece of **** who are good for nothing compared to US based counterparts.

Go for a reseller of US based host, somebody like *
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